Ludisia Orchid - Miniature Flowers and Bright Leaves


Orchid Ludisia is a very original representative of the Orchid family. It has very small, pearl-like flowers, but large leaves conquer flower growers at a glance. Ludisia attracts with silver mazes on dark leaves. Sometimes this plant is found under the name of hemaria. Ludisia flower lives in the moist forests of Central and East Asia. Unlike most orchids, this representative grows on the ground or moss-covered cave walls.

Botanical characteristics

Ludisia has a highly branched, but short rhizome, which serves to obtain nutrients and fasten on horizontal and vertical surfaces. The ground part is represented by a powerful twisting stalk and a rosette of sessile leaves. The growth of ludisia does not exceed 15 cm, but it actively spreads in breadth and forms lateral processes.

Regular vaginal leaves have an oval or ovoid shape with a pointed tip. In one outlet can be about five leaves. The maximum sheet length is 7 cm and the width is 4 cm. The surface of a bright green sheet plate can be smooth or covered with short hairs with a silver pattern. The back of the foliage is smooth and painted darker. Each leaf lives up to 7 years, and then fades, leaving a ring-shaped mark on the stem.

Ludisia blooms do not cause much delight, although it is quite elegant. From each leaf rosette a long (up to 25 cm) straight peduncle is formed. It has several whitish flowers, the diameter of each bud does not exceed 2 cm. Rounded white petals are crowned with several bright yellow stamens. A flowering plant resembles a string of pearls over silvery foliage, it is not for nothing that ludisia is called precious. Flowering occurs in November-January and can last up to five weeks.

Popular views

Only found in nature ludisia discolor (it is colorless, multi-color). A plant with a winding, creeping stem has a rosette of dark green leaves at the end. At the same time, 3-6 leaves with silvery longitudinal veins grow on the orchid. A dozen small white flowers bloom on an upright peduncle 10-20 cm long. The lower petals form a slightly sloping lip, over which long yellow anthers protrude.

Ludisia discolor

To diversify the precious ludisia, breeders have bred several highly decorative varieties:

  • Ludisia dawson differs in larger leaves with thin, pinkish stripes. The plant reaches a height of 30 cm.
    Ludisia dawson
  • Ludisia Odin also has a pattern of longitudinal silver veins on the leaves, however, transverse paired strokes are located along the entire length of the central strip.
    Ludisia Odin
  • Ludisia alba has a lighter color of foliage without the usual red-burgundy hue. Leaves are streaked with longitudinal white stripes.
    Ludisia alba
  • Ludisia Otletae - very dark, green foliage covered with red or orange longitudinal strokes.
    Ludisia Otletae
  • Ludisia tanlaniana It features a wider sheet plate with a light patterned mesh in the middle.
    Ludisia tanlaniana
  • Ludisia Velvet - leaflets are saturated green and have a velvety coating. Reddish longitudinal stripes appear on the upper side of the leaf plate.
    Ludisia Velvet

Such a variety allows you to buy a Ludisia orchid with the most pleasant properties. Moreover, botanists are not going to stop there.

Ludisia propagation

The orchid is propagated vegetatively. Since it does not have a pronounced period of rest, the procedure can be carried out throughout the year. Propagation of ludisia by cuttings gives the best result. It is enough to cut a few pieces of stems with 2-3 internodes. The slice is made with a sharp disinfected blade and the ends are treated with crushed charcoal.

A mixture of sphagnum moss and chopped pine bark is suitable for planting. Cuttings are laid horizontally on the surface of the soil and slightly pressed. Sprinkle with earth above is not necessary. The container is covered with a film, additional heating is not needed. Rooting occurs within 2-4 weeks. Young roots will be clearly visible along the edges of the stalk.

When the first leaves appear, you can gradually accustom the orchid to the lack of shelter, but it still needs to ensure high humidity. If peduncles are found on a young seedling, they must be removed immediately.

Home Care

Caring for Ludisia will require some effort, but such a beautiful plant deserves a reverent treatment. For planting an adult orchid, small transparent pots with large drainage holes are usually used. The bottom is lined with vermiculite or brick chips, and the prepared soil is placed on top. You can buy a ready-made substrate for orchids in a flower shop. With the independent production of soil for ludisia, it should include the following components:

  • chopped pine bark with the addition of needles (4 parts);
  • pieces of moss sphagnum (4 parts);
  • charcoal (1 part);
  • peat (1 part);
  • sheet earth (1 part).

The roots are placed in the upper layers of the soil, without deepening the buds of growth. It is often not necessary to transplant Ludisia. It is enough to carry out this procedure every 3-4 years as the rhizome grows. The roots should be completely freed from the old substrate and soaked for several hours in warm water.

Ludisia prefers shady places, but can withstand morning or evening sunlight. The plant grows normally even on the northern windows, but in winter additional illumination will be needed. Long daylight hours are one of the factors favorable for flowering.

Orchid prefers moderately warm places. +20 ... +23 ° C is enough for her. Night cooling to + 17 ... +19 ° C are good for Ludisia and stimulate abundant flowering. It is most convenient to create such conditions by exposing the pot from May to September on the balcony or terrace. It is important to select places without drafts.

Ludisia should be watered regularly throughout the year. The substrate must be constantly moist, but without stagnation of water. Excess fluid must not be left in the pan. It is drained half an hour after watering. Orchid needs moist air. It is recommended to use all possible methods of moisturizing:

  • placement near fountains and aquariums;
  • pallets with wet pebbles and vermiculite;
  • humidifiers;
  • spraying leaves.

Varieties with velvet foliage should not be sprayed, otherwise you will have to ask yourself a question: "How to remove water stains from Ludisia?"

With a regular transplant, the orchid does not need fertilizer, it receives all the necessary substances from the environment. During the flowering period, half the mineral complex for orchids can be added twice a month.

With proper care, Ludisia is not afraid of disease, but its juicy leaves attract parasites. So that scale insects, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies or mealybugs do not harm the precious beauty, it is necessary to treat it with insecticides at the first sign of an invasion.
