Bubble Darts Gold: photo, description, landing and care


One of the varieties of the common vesicle, Darts Gold, has found wide application in the creation of beautiful and diverse areas. This hybrid was bred in Holland by crossing two species Luteus (Luteus) and Nanus (Nanus). Its appearance and light delicate flowering, which can be observed in the middle of summer for a whole month, attracts attention.

Key Features of the Dart Gold

Describing this variety, they speak of a densely compressed, small shrub (up to 1.5 m), forming the shape of a hemisphere.

This variety is distinguished by the fact that the leaves on the branches are located close enough to each other, forming a thick hat. They change color in accordance with the season: in the summer they are yellow, at the end of the season they are painted in pale green, and in the fall - yellow-brown. The sheet plate is divided into 3 or 5 blades.

It blooms in mid-summer. Scutellum inflorescences are light with a touch of ivory. They are replaced by fruits of crimson color, which are stored on the bush for a long time. Torn when pressed. Darts Gold grows very quickly, which makes it possible to use it for decorative purposes: to cover ugly areas or to enclose some areas.

Bubble - a lowly plant that does not need to create special conditions for growth. Landing and caring for him is a fairly simple task. The soil does not impose additional requirements, but prefers acid loam. The place should be well lit. If there is a lot of shade, then it will lose all the charm of its variety and turn into an ordinary unremarkable shrub. As a representative of the vesicle species, it is not affected by diseases and pests, it does not require special shelter for the winter.

A haircut gives him a variety of forms. It can be any figure that has had enough imagination. There is also growing on the stem. Its beautiful crown is perfectly combined with many other plants, which makes it possible to use park areas in landscape design.

Features of planting of the vesicollis Darts Gold

For its growth, Darts Gold prefers clay soil with sand. Acidity pH 4.5-5. If this is not on the site, it will grow on other soil options.

It is best to determine his place on a small hill so that moisture does not linger on it. Otherwise, it is necessary to ensure good water drainage from the site.

If the plant is supposed to be grown alone, then a pit (large and spacious up to 50 cm) is prepared for it in advance, and a trench (50x50 cm) to create a hedge. There are several types of fencing: dense and sprawling. In the first case, 3-5 bushes in a checkerboard pattern need to be planted on 1 meter, in the second - 1-2 (quite rarely). Small earthen embankments are formed around them, allowing them to retain moisture near the roots. A wide planting option involves the creation of hedges up to 2 m wide.

0.5-1 month before planting, a special mixture of superphosphate (0.5 kg), manure and humus (3 buckets each) is added. Seedlings are placed in the soil perpendicular to the surface, fall asleep, compacted and well moistened.

Darts Gold Bleeding Care

Bubbling does not require any special needs for care. In fact, he can endure all unpleasant situations, and at the same time he will grow well. But there are several important points that are still recommended to pay attention to when growing:

  • Watering: do not allow moisture retention in the soil for a long time.
  • Weeding: around the trunk it is necessary to remove weeds and loosen the ground, providing access of oxygen and nutrients to the roots.
  • Top dressing: spend twice. In the spring - with a solution of 0.5 liters of mullein, 15-20 g of urea, 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters. In the autumn, they are treated only with urea - closer to winter.
  • Sanitary pruning: carried out to remove broken, diseased and dried branches. They also clean those that violate the form created by the gardener.

Dartis Gold

This variety is propagated by all possible methods. Gardeners most often use such options that involve obtaining a new plant from its parts: layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Darts Gold can be obtained from its seeds, but many of the distinguishing features of the variety will be lost. The color of the bush will not be so bright and beautiful, but it will become ordinary and unremarkable.

Most often, in early spring, large bushes are divided into several new ones (they need to leave a powerful root system and healthy shoots) and immediately identify new places. There are no features during landing. Do not plant deep (no more than 5 cm). Then carry out the necessary hydration and cover with mulch.

Cuttings root after mid-summer. It is advisable to prepare greenhouse conditions for them in the shade of the trees and plant them. For the period of cold weather they hide under polyethylene or burlap. In the spring, upon the onset of heat, the main place of growth is determined for those seedlings that did not die in the winter.

During this period, they are also engaged in layering. For them, the most powerful and strong sprouts are chosen, on which all leaves, except the tops, are torn off. They are tilted into a pre-prepared groove, secured and thrown with earth. Until shoot growth follows, soil is regularly watered. In late autumn, they are cut off from the main plant and transplanted to a new site. For the winter period, young shoots provide protection from the cold, using a special covering material or mulch.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: the darts Gold vesicle in landscape design

Creating a beautiful design of a certain area, Darts Gold is often used. Its magnificent crown looks great both in single or group landing, and in the design of borders. Any arrangement of flowers implies a certain distance between plants (from 45 cm to 1 m).

The growth of this vesicle on the site allows you to create an unforgettable mood with your appearance. He pleases everyone in any weather. You can not remain indifferent to its spectacular crown, numerous flowers and original fruits. Therefore, it is so widely used in landscaping and landscaping of various territories.


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