Shade-loving indoor plants


They will decorate the interior of a house or a cottage, brighten up everyday life and bring indoor flowers to life. If the apartment does not differ in large dimensions and sufficient lighting, shade-loving indoor plants will help out. They are compact and large, inconspicuous and bright, flowering and leafy-decorative. Suitable even to a darkened hall.

Shady flowering houseplants with names

Often in urban housing there is a lack of light. Therefore shade-loving home plants are very much appreciated. Sciophytes are colors that love the shadow in the apartment. They are afraid of the sun, their other name is heliophobia.

Extraordinary cultures develop in partial shade comfortably if direct sunlight does not fall. Beauty will be fully revealed: foliage is characterized by fabulous decorativeness, flowering is characterized by spectacularity and profusion.

The brightness of light will not benefit plants. Many shade-tolerant exotics from the lower tiers of the tropics and subtropics moved to their homes. For them, preferable places on the western and northern sides of window sills, shaded areas of the room with diffused light. Allocate cultures that do not bloom, or have unpretentious inflorescences, but decorative leaves of different colors. The difference from other plants is the colorfulness of the flowers: their luxury and elegance. Everyone will need proper care and placement.

Phytodesign in the interior of the house

Not all shady house flowers boast lush buds.
Although among them there are stunning views that will make up a gorgeous collection.


Penumbra will provide good exotic growth, starting from spring and ending in autumn, as well as diffused light in the autumn-winter period. The peak of decorativeness occurs in April and lasts until the beginning of autumn. Anthurium inflorescence is framed by a wax coating.

It will require periodic, but not excessive watering, compliance with a temperature of +15 ° C, humidification of the air.

Anthurium in price for women and men

Anthurium is called differently male happiness. It is believed that it increases potency and libido in men. Unpretentious culture is grown by many.

If recharge is not made regularly, only 1 flower will please the hostess. Its flowering is accompanied by the appearance of a new bud.

Attention! Anthurium prefers a place with diffused light - direct rays of the sun cause leaf burns.


Needs good illumination, indirect rays of the sun. Hibernation is responsible for flowering annually. To rest, the flower pot is moved to cool and dark: the temperature is at least +12 ° C, reduce watering and stop feeding. It is forbidden to move, transplant, waterlogging a plant.

Systematically wipe the sheets with a moistened soft cloth. The appearance of bell-shaped flowers, which differ in red, orange, yellow colors, spectacular and bright.

Umbrella-shaped inflorescences, which are located on a high stalk, will please gardeners.


Represents the Bromeliad family. Particularly distinguishes the plant is 70 cm inflorescence with saturated bracts. The splendor of flowering will ensure temperature stability in the range + 19 ... +28 ° С and regularity of humidification of the outlet.

Vriesia mix

Vriesia is a beautiful indoor flower with a bright arrow. Flower arrows live long. Demanding on increased humidity and regular watering.

Propagate the plant by processes (children). Florists consider the seed method to be ineffective.

On a note. It is important that there is water inside the leaf outlet, which is changed every 3 days. The remnants of old water are removed with a paper towel, then fresh liquid is poured. In addition, it should be soft and warm.

Saintpaulia, or Uzambara violet

Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia) belongs to the most common flowering plants. Humidity and temperature in the range + 20 ... +24 ° C influence the development and flowering in partial shade.

The flower grows in a natural environment in Tanzania, in the mountains of Uzambara. The violet was opened at the end of the 19th century by Baron Walter von Saint-Paul, thanks to him the plant is known as Saintpaulia.

The shape of a violet flower distinguishes:

  • simple;
  • stars;
  • bells;
  • wasp.

By the degree of terry, flowers are non-double, semi-double, double.

The diameter of the outlet is distinguished by:

  • semi-miniature (15-20 cm) and miniature (6-15 cm);
  • large (over 40 cm) and standard (20-40 cm).

The richness of the color palette and the shape of Saintpaulia

Shady room plants for the hallway

What house plants must be in the house

The main advantages of decorative and deciduous crops include expressive color of foliage. Flowers are small and unattractive.


The characteristic features of the culture are strict lines. Among flower growers, the plant is called the pike tail, mother-in-law's tongue.

One of the names of sansevieria is snake skin

In stock - varietal variety with different color variations in the color of leathery sheets. In partial shade, the polarity of color spots is highlighted. If the conditions are favorable during flowering, elongated candles of white and yellow inflorescences are thrown out by sansevieria.

By undemandingness and shade tolerance, the plant is compared with chlorophytum. The plasticity of the mother-in-law of the tongue is manifested in the ability to live in the bright sun and in deep shadow. Breeders received spotted, or variegated, varieties. However, in the shade, the saturation of the colorful pattern fades.

Tip. To enhance the variability of the picture, increase the illumination in the room.


The variety of shade-loving indoor colors allows you to choose the right options for the office and home. Ideally for the entrance, a fern is suitable, which does not bloom, but enlivens the interior with color saturation. It grows well if there is a shady location, the soil and air are humid.

Fern in the design of the apartment

Crassula (money tree)

The plant is poorly developed in the shade. The fat woman feels comfortable in low light. Intensive watering is not required.

Money tree, like all succulents, like light: diffused and soft sun rays. It is preferable to place the culture on the eastern windowsill. In the summer season, it does not hurt to move the fat girl to a more shady corner so as not to harm the delicate leaves of the money tree.


A delicate plant is prohibited from direct exposure to sunlight. Like all plants, it helps purify the air and saturate it with oxygen.

Ficus prefers a lit, ventilated space. The temperature in the summer is at most + 25 ... +30 ° С, in the winter season it is + 15 ... +20 ° С.

Irrigate, if necessary, with heated water. Afraid of the culture of drafts and temperature extremes. It does not tolerate ficus excess water, which can ruin it.

Additional Information. The plant is not poisonous, fights harmful microorganisms, disinfects the air. Suitable for the bedroom: helps to conceive a child, treats female pathologies. In therapy, uterine tumors use tea and decoctions of ficus. Traditional medicine recommends a plant for bronchitis.

Inconsistency is characteristic in relation to ficus in different peoples. Some believe that ficus benefits the house. Others talk about its harm to humans. In ancient times, the Slavs believed that a flower is the cause of quarrels.

Now the attitude to ficus has changed. Reviews about the flower are positive, it is considered a family flower, a charm of the hearth.

Helps set up relationships. The flower absorbs formaldehyde, which is produced by plastic and can be found in excess in many apartments.

Ficus Benjamin - a suitable option for the bedroom

The compact plant is ideally suited to the interior of the room.


It is a branched bush with flexible shoots. The plant perfectly tolerates shade, but prefers lighting with the sun for several hours of fleshy patterned leaves. To improve branching, pinch the tips of the branches. Care features include:

  • temperature support: + 12 ... +20 ° С;
  • the frequency of spraying foliage.

Compliance with agricultural practices guarantees the transformation of sheflers into a powerful home tree. Bred compact and large species.

Curly Shade Indoor Plants

Unpretentious indoor plants blooming all year round

Often walls are decorated and create volumetric compositions using plants that curl, and vines.

Interesting!The cultivation of ampelous indoor plants is carried out in hanging planters, baskets, flowerpots, pots.

Climbing Philodendron

He does not like the direct rays of the sun and strong shading. Better to place in diffused bright light or in a half-shaded place. Moisturize weakly in the winter, actively and generously - in the summer.


In the presence of species diversity of ampelous plants, which differs in the coloring of leaf plates. Violet or green foliage is lanceolate with silver or pale green stripes, sometimes pubescent.

Indirect bright illumination or partial shade helps to maintain decorativeness.

A resident of the American continent is rarely found in public places. She is unjustly forgotten. Among the advantages of a herbaceous perennial, absolute unpretentiousness is considered. The main thing is plenty of moisture.

Tradescantia - guest from America


The plant looks elegant in a cache-pot. It is used not only as an ampelous, but also a ground cover culture.


Just right to decorate the volume plane. Numerous varieties allow you to dream up and experiment - the sheets are small and large, tender and leathery, dissected and whole. Cissus grows rapidly and decorates the room.

Cissus room


Features of shade-loving plants

Indoor plants and beautiful home flowers

The decorative properties of shade-tolerant indoor plants are fully manifested if:

  • flowers are in partial shade or shadow for half a day;
  • development is not inhibited by the intensity of illumination: growth is not slowed down, the color of leaf plates does not fade;
  • sunlight does not cause leaf burns;
  • the soil and air are sufficiently moistened;
  • adhere to temperature conditions;
  • rarely shade-loving plants.

A variety of shade-loving cultures make it possible to create stylish floral arrangements that will decorate the premises.

Dracaena: photophilous or shade-tolerant

A tree-like culture is characterized by contrasting staining of narrow elongated leaf plates. The variety determines the height of the dracaena - from 0.7 to 3 m. In order to preserve the decorative qualities, sufficient, but not superbright, illumination plus humidification are required.

Dracaena in the interior


Ficus: photophilous or shade-loving plant

A popular culture among flower growers belonging to the Tutov family is bred with small or large foliage. Views with dark green leaves develop well in partial shade, variegated like the sun. They are photophilous and thermophilic, like high humidity. Drafts and overcooled soil are dangerous for ficus.

Violets: photophilous or shade-loving

The flower needs plenty of light, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight - there are formation of burn spots on the plates, pallor of color, lack of flowering. Fit for violets arrangement in light partial shade or diffused light.

The shade-tolerant plant is afraid of the sun's heat, it feels great in the summer 3-4 meters from the window. In winter, with a short daylight, it is advisable to move the Saintpaulia closer to sunlight. Culture is valued for its rich color palette. Dried flowers are immediately torn off, maintain a temperature of at least + 15 ° C.

Kalanchoe: photophilous or shade-loving

Mistresses who prefer flowering crops, but forget about their watering, will definitely choose Kalanchoe. The plant can do without water for a month, but this will negatively affect flowering.

Kalanchoe with an unusual color


For the flower, warm days in summer are preferable. It is exposed on the southern windowsill, slightly obscured.

Indoor flowers that love shade and are undemanding in care will fit into the interior of any home. The design involves placing them in the back of the room and creating green spots in the apartment. They will give a feeling of peace and relaxation and put up all year round with limited sunlight. Which plants to choose depends on the preferences of the hostess.


Watch the video: 13 Low-Light Houseplants! Plants That Love Low-Light (October 2024).