Liatris: description, types and varieties, planting, care


Lyatris (specata) belongs to the genus Astrov, blooms in a row for several years, that is, it is perennial.

It was first discovered in America and Mexico, characterized by unpretentiousness in planting and care.

Description of lyatris

Has a branched or simple stem on which pointed leaves are located. If we talk about the roots, they are represented by bulbs connected to the root system.

When a flower grows in a favorable climate and is looked after, the height is up to two meters. Directly inflorescences can reach 50 cm, the flowers are presented in different colors - from white to red.

The flowering time of the lyatris is summer. Seeds that are exposed in the fall and are required for propagation are oblong and covered with pile.

In landscape design, they are the dominant plant, around which verbena or gypsophila are majestically located. In cut, the plant can stand up to 10 days. Dried flowers are used to create amazingly beautiful bouquets.

Types and varieties of lyatris: spikelet and others

Today, three species and a large number of perennial varieties are distinguished.

Their main differences:



SpicateShoots can reach a height of up to 50 cm.


Presented by a basket consisting of 9-12 flowers. The height of the inflorescences is up to 40 cm. It begins to bloom in June or July, lasting up to 40 days.
  • Floristan Weiss.
  • Floristan Violet.
  • Kobold (no more than 40 cm).
  • Picador - reaching 60 cm in height.
RoughNot a popular species.


Lush pinkish inflorescences.
  • White Spire.
FilmyIt differs in leaves, which are more extensive than the rest.

Wide plates (about 3 cm).

White or pink in color up to 1 m high.
  • Alba
  • September Glory.

Propagation Lyatris

Several ways:

  • seeds - directly into the soil and seedlings;
  • tubers;
  • division of the rhizome.

Seed cultivation

A distinctive feature of the lyatris is its unpretentiousness, so most gardeners believe that it makes little sense to engage in seedlings and prefer seeds.

Put them in the soil in early spring or closer to December. So you can be sure that frost will not destroy the root system. Before planting for half a day, the seeds are placed in a humate (0.5 g per 1 liter of water). They also prepare the soil - they dig it up with organics (a humus bucket per 1 sq. M). For sowing, make indentations of 1 cm.

Once the soil is prepared, planting material is introduced into it, sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly.

It should be noted that with seed planting its height, the lyatris will reach only the third year.

The first spring after planting, care consists in thinning the seedlings.


This method is more difficult than seed. Before performing, select the site. It is desirable that it be well lit by the sun. The soil must be nutritious and loose. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in a marshland, as the root system will rot from water. Planting from the pot is carried out before winter or after.

The depth of planting of tubers depends on their size and is up to 10 cm. A distance of 18-20 cm should remain between the bushes. As soon as the lyatris is planted, it is watered and fertilized with humus.

Bush division

If the gardener already has this plant, at the end of the summer period you can divide the tuber into several parts to obtain material for planting.

Otherwise, the bush is purchased in a specialized market.

Liatrix Care

Liatris does not require special care.


Watered depending on what turned out to be the summer season. In heat, as soon as the earth becomes dry. Many gardeners do not moisturize the lyatris at all, since it has enough rain.

Excessive moisture will cause rotting of the root system.


In August, the plant usually fades. In order for the seeds not to spread throughout the soil, the inflorescences are carefully cut. In late autumn, the stems are completely removed and covered with fallen leaves. The thickness of the shelter should be at least 10 cm. This is due to the effect on the root system of severe frosts.

Top dressing

For the entire season, the plant is fed three times:

  1. Early spring before flowering (nitrogen).
  2. In the summer at the beginning of flowering (phosphorus-potash).
  3. During the numerous formation of inflorescences (Rainbow or others for flowering).

If the leaves of the lyatris become somewhat pale, it is necessary to add nitrogen fertilizer. No other means are used. Top dressing just needs to be distributed on the surface of the soil. To increase the number of inflorescences around the plant, lay 5 cm of compost.


Weeding is carried out with caution, since the roots are near the surface. Experts recommend doing mulching.

Winter preparations

With the onset of late autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall. It is required to cut off the part that is above the surface of the earth. Mulch the bare soil with a layer of leaves. It is better not to use straw, as rodents that can harm the lyatris hibernate in it.

If the winter is mild, without severe frosts, you can not hide the flower.

Diseases and pests of lyatris

Perennial is practically not susceptible to disease. However, it can be damaged by the bear and other insects that live in the garden. Vole mice often eat the root system of a plant. That is why it is recommended that you first take all protective measures. Specialists note that in some cases, the lyatris can get sick from neighboring plants that are infected.

The use of lyatris in landscape design

Yellow evening primrose or fire daylily goes well with lyatris white. Lush hosts also look great with plants.

If the flowerbed includes a large number of flowers, a white shade of lyatris will be beneficial in harmony with the yarrow of cherry or red monarda. It is worth noting that such a species rarely grows in a lush bush, so it is not advisable to plant other flowers closely, as it will be lost against their background.

Low-growing varieties look good surrounded by strong boulders. They can be planted along flower beds or fences.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: Liatris is a healer in the garden

Perennial has a lot of useful properties. From the leaves make a decoction for gargling, which is effective for angina. Pounded, they help fight itching and inflammation when bitten by a mosquito or wasp.

Lotions from the roots are effective for repairing damaged skin. Broth - for kidney diseases. The flowers and stems of the plant have diuretic, antiseptic and astringent properties.


Watch the video: Liatris spicata - Gayfeather or Blazing Star - Growing Liatris (October 2024).