Knifofiya: landing and leaving


Knifofiya (Kniphofia) is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Asphodel family. In vivo grows in Madagascar and Africa. The genus consists of 75 species. Their cultivated hybrids are grown in the garden. The first to describe the flowering plant was the botanist I.I. Kniphof. Knifophies are thermophilic, so they grow best in the southern regions.

Description of knifofiya

Kniphofia have the following features:

  • height - from 1 to 3 m;
  • spike inflorescences collected from small flowers;
  • corolla perianth;
  • three-ovary ovary.

In appearance, the fruit is a box. Flowers are located on the top of the stem. It is also necessary to note the presence of six stamens and a syncarpous gynoecium formed by three carpels. Nectaries are placed between the nests. Isolation of nectar occurs through the tubule, located at the base of the column. Coloring inflorescences and buds

The color of inflorescences and buds is different. The flowering period begins in July. After its completion, the plant acquires a decorative look, which persists until late autumn.

All varieties are perennials. Knifofiya in shape resembles lupine. Her spectacular bright flowers have a more elegant look.

Knifofiya: varieties and varieties

These flowers adorn the garden throughout the growing season. Finding a place for them is quite simple. They are planted in stony gardens and mixed flower gardens.

Kniphofia differs in two-tone coloring. The hue changes gradually. Flowering time is largely dependent on the climate. In the temperate zone, bright inflorescences adorn flower beds from June to September.

Types of knifophia of value in gardening:

ViewDescription, varieties, color of inflorescences

Resistant to low temperatures. The height of the bush and inflorescences are equal to 0.8 m and 15 cm, respectively. It differs in a rich red-yellow hue. Blossom throughout the month (July-August).


Was derived on the basis of berry kniphofia. It is characterized by a variety of colors. Height - from 60 to 100 cm.

  • Abendzonne - yellow-red.
  • Amazing Fan, Theo, Indiana - Orange Red.
  • Flaming fire - reddish yellow.
  • Sparkler - coral, yellow, red.
  • Golden Skeper - bright yellow.
  • African guest - yellowish, pink, maroon.
  • Alcazar - orange shades.
  • Fleming Torch - Yellow Red.
  • Prince Maurito is brownish red.

Abundant greenish-gray foliage, prolonged flowering (2 months), which begins in mid-summer. Inflorescences are conical in shape.

  • Large-flowered - fiery red.
  • Eskimo - yellow, coral red, orange.
  • Flamenco - red-yellow.
  • Surprise - cream yellow, dark pink.
ShaggyOn the surface of the leaves there are villi. The shape of the inflorescences is conical. Two-tone flowers: yellow below, red-pink above. Flower height - 3 cm.
IsostolicLinear leaves, funnel-shaped flowers that bloom from top to bottom. Peduncle height from 60 to 100 cm.
WhitishMay have several stems. Leaves are bluish and dull green. The buds are straight, pinkish-white. Inflorescences during flowering are directed in different directions.

Able to grow in arid conditions. Height does not exceed 1.5 m. It blooms in the second half of summer.

Planting knifofiya in the open ground, further care

These plants are not recommended for planting in shaded areas and in lowlands.

Otherwise, inflorescences and leaves will become less bright, their growth will slow down significantly. Knifofii need to be protected from drafts. They do not tolerate stagnation of water.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened and fertilized. The estimated depth is determined based on the height of the plant. First, a drainage layer is placed in the pit, and then pre-prepared soil is introduced.

To warm it well, stones are placed near the landings covered with dark material. Their size may vary.

Kniphofia is a perennial that is resistant to lack of moisture. Therefore, it is not demanding on watering. Because of this, the flower is planted in areas that have a good drainage system.

Fertilizers are applied in several stages. The first top dressing is done immediately after the appearance of the first foliage, a significant reason for the second stage is the completion of the flowering period.

In the list of fertilizers used:

  • mixtures containing nitrogen;
  • peat;
  • ash;
  • compost;
  • humus.

Another mandatory step is trimming. It is carried out in the spring. If the plant wintered in the open ground, then only after removing the shelter. Damaged, yellowed and frost-bitten parts of knizofia are subject to elimination. Seeds ripened in boxes are useless.

Plants with winter hardiness (Tukka) can be in the open ground in the cold season in regions such as the Moscow Region and the middle strip of Russia. but even in this case it needs to be covered with a special film, spruce branches and foliage.

The presence of ventilation holes is required. If the protective layer is applied correctly, the flower can survive at a temperature of -15 ° C. Wintering at home is a prerequisite for most varieties of kniphofia. The room should not be more than +8 ° С.

Cultivation and propagation of knifofiya

New plants are obtained by vegetative and reproductive methods. When choosing the latter, seeds are used. Planting material must be bought in specialized stores. The need for this is due to the insufficient number of warm light days. The process of growing seedlings from seeds is labor intensive.

Sowing is carried out in the second half of March. To increase germination, the box is covered with glass or film for 2-3 weeks. The greenhouse must be removed for ventilation, and the soil regularly moistened.

After emergence, seedlings begin to harden at room temperature. The need for a pick occurs when two leaves are formed on the stem. Landing in the open ground is carried out in mid-summer. Perennial blooms only for the third season.

The vegetative method of reproduction consists in the separation of daughter sockets. Suitable for this bushes three years of age. The resulting sections are treated with charcoal. The resulting sockets are planted in wells. Seedlings need temporary shading. In this case, kniphofia blooms a year after planting.

Pests and diseases of knizofia

Flowers growing in the garden may be affected by root rot. The factor provoking its appearance is excess moisture and increased soil density.

If there are signs of this ailment, it is necessary to remove the damaged parts of the plant. To do this, it will have to be dug up and processed aseptically. After the bush you need to transplant to another site.

Pest attack is possible. Among them, spider mites and thrips are distinguished. To eliminate the foci of damage, knifofia is treated with insecticides. To prevent infection, green manure and fragrant herbs are planted. If the gardener complies with all the norms and rules of care, the risk of developing flower diseases is minimal.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: knifofiya in landscape design

Tall varieties are used to create the background. Plants belonging to them are planted behind lower flowers. Kniphofia, characterized by small size, become an adornment of rockeries and alpine slides.

Due to the variety of shades, a mixture of colors, the absence of difficulties with planting and care, the finished composition will delight for a long time with its decorative effect. The list of suitable neighbors includes bearded irises, rudbeckia, ripsalis, santolines, eremurus.


Watch the video: Книфофия многолетник . Советую посадить книфофию! (October 2024).