Tinting Tomatoes: Step-by-Step Procedure


Tomatoes are demanding care. For them, conditions, watering and top dressing are equally important. Particularly important for a rich harvest is pinching - regular removal of lateral shoots.

This factor is often neglected by beginners, provide tomatoes to build up useless tops, depriving themselves of the crop.

The need to plant tomatoes

In the favorable climate of the historical homeland of Central America, culture dispenses with the procedure. Long summers, warm winters allow you to shoot ripe berries all year round. And there is no need to limit the number of shoots of the second order and higher. All the ovaries have time to fill up and fully mature.

The conditions of our country do not favor the cultivation of tomatoes as perennials. In order for the fruits to gain mass and taste, their number must be limited. This is the main goal of pinching.

The procedure is mandatory for almost all types and varieties, regardless of whether they are grown in greenhouses or open ground. Stepsons - side shoots adversely affect the development of bushes:

  1. Vitamins are taken away from tomatoes.
  2. Increase fruit ripening time.
  3. Reduce crop yields.
  4. The shading berries are obscured. The lack of sunlight affects the taste of the fruit.
  5. A thickened crown is a favorable environment for the development of diseases. And weakened plants are quickly populated by pests.

Removing excess shoots relieves summer residents and their wards from numerous troubles, contributes to the timely full-fledged ripening of fruits.

The essence of pinching and species

The agrotechnical procedure is the regular removal of shoots developing from the axils of the leaves. A simple operation involves knowing certain rules - when and how often it is carried out, how many stepsons are removed at a time, the order of execution. It is also important to know the features of the operation inherent in various types and varieties of tomatoes.

Pasynkovka is aimed at forming a bush so as to get the maximum possible number of ripe tasty fruits from it. Based on this principle, four process schemes are distinguished:

  • single stem;
  • double stem;
  • three-stemmed;
  • stepped.

In one stem means that they remove all, without exception, the side shoots. The bush grows in height, larger tomatoes ripen on it. Usually used in greenhouses. This gives not only an increase in the mass of fruits and a reduction in the time of maturity. Due to the good ventilation of plants, the risk of diseases is reduced, preventive treatment is simplified. In open ground, the method is used in short summer conditions.

In the second case, a strong process is left that has formed over the first fruit brush. Subsequently, the remaining stepsons on both stems are removed. Universal application.

The third option gives good results only in open beds of southern areas. In a limited space it is used if at least 1 sq. M is allocated to each bush. m - extremely uneconomical use of the greenhouse area.

The stepped form is suitable for tall and indeterminate tomatoes of open ground. The crown is created step by step.

First, a strong axillary shoot is left at about a height of about 1 m. When a flower brush forms on it, pinch the main trunk. The second step - on the substitution stalk, stepping back about a meter from the base, choose the next strong process. After the buds are formed on a new shoot, the replacement branch is pinched. So repeat another 2-3 times, if conditions allow.

Pinching also includes pinching of productive shoots. It limits the growth of branches and prevents the tying of fruit brushes, which obviously will not have time to ripen. They are also used in cases when few fruits are tied on the main stem. In this case, the plant throws strong lateral shoots, giving an additional crop.

Pinch the bushes over the leaf following the upper fruit brush that is tied.

Another component is the regulation of the number of adult leaves. Tops should not impede air exchange, create a thick shadow over ripening tomatoes. Removing interfering leaves, do not forget that they are participants in the photosynthesis process.

Crossing according to grade

The variety of tomatoes is impressive. For simplicity, determining the necessary type of formation of bushes, they are all divided into groups: by maturity; degree and duration of growth; the size of the fruit; greenhouse and soil.

Early ripe and standard varieties usually do not stepchild. If there are few bushes, but high returns are required from them, they are grown in 1-2 stems. Tomatoes of medium and late term - in two or three. The method is determined based on the cultivation conditions of the crop.

Low-growing, or determinant tomatoes - only when grown in protected ground.

Semi-determinant (medium-sized) tomatoes are formed in 1-2 shoots in greenhouses; stepchildren are left in open beds to increase yield.

Indeterminate (tall and unlimited growth) stepchild under any circumstances. They tie a fruit brush only above 7 sheets and above. If we allow the growth of the lower lateral shoots, the crop can not wait at all. The successful form of the bush is 1-2 shoots for greenhouses, on open beds 2-3. A prerequisite is also pinching plants with the approach of autumn. In heated greenhouses, such tomatoes can not be limited in growth, if additional lighting is provided.

Large-fruited varieties (beefs) are grown in 1-2 stems. Small-fruited tomatoes and cherry tomatoes do not stepchild in the open ground, they only make sure that the lower leaves and branches do not touch the ground. If the shoot gives little fruit or has already bred, it is removed. In enclosed spaces - greenhouses or houses - they stepchild according to the general rules, however, for this species bushes of 3 or even 4 stems are allowed to form.

Some varieties of tomatoes quickly throw buds on stepson shoots. In this case, they are left. After 2 sheets are formed over the brush, a pinch is performed.

Technology for pinching tomatoes

Seedlings planted in the ground by the end of the second week completely take root and begin to gain green mass. By this time, the summer resident should completely decide on the option of growing - how many stems he will leave.

Main principles

The first time stepsons are removed after flowering begins, when they grow to about 5 cm. In this case, the difference between the fruit brush and the lateral shoot is determined without errors: the buds of buds or leaves. If in doubt, pay attention to the place where the branch comes from. Productive sprouts depart from the trunk of the bush.

Be sure to remove the processes located under the lower flowers. Leaves touching the soil break or shorten so that they do not become a source of disease. At one time, no more than three stepsons and leaves are removed from each bush.

Frequency - weekly during active growth. Determinant tomatoes sometimes give surprises to gardeners: during ripening, the top grows suddenly, promising flower brushes appear, and new fruits are tied. The situation is assessed by the timing: when there is enough time before the cold, the fruits are allowed to ripen at least until milk maturity. If there is no stock of warm days, the tops are cut off.

Depending on the growing region, from the second half of July to the second half of August, pinch the tops of indeterminate varieties growing on unprotected beds.

Procedure Algorithm

Agronomists do not recommend the use of cutting tools when conducting pinching, since the remaining sections are open gates for infections and viruses.

  1. Work is carried out only with thoroughly washed hands. It is ideal to rinse them after removing each stepson.
  2. The best time is the morning hours of a sunny day.
  3. Stalks of lateral growth pinch off with nails. So the fault location will be delayed faster.
  4. Be sure to leave hemp 2-3 cm high, they serve as protection against the penetration of pathogens, and also inhibit the growth of new stepsons.
  5. Basal processes are subject to cutting.

The removed parts are placed in a basket or bag so that they do not become a refuge for pests, do not begin to rot. Waste is laid in compost or used as raw material for infusions that repel parasites.

If planting tomatoes is extensive, you have to use a tool - a knife, scissors or secateurs. It must be sharpened to cut the stems in one motion. At the same time, they carefully monitor its purity: they disinfect before starting work and after trimming each bush. For disinfection use a solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or bleach.

Agronomists recommend using the tool for processing greenhouse plants. Justification is weighty: unevenly broken off side branches are quickly populated by harmful microorganisms. Another additional protection is ash, which is sprinkled with fresh slices.

Mr. Dachnik informs: the advantages and disadvantages of pinching tomatoes

To appreciate all the advantages of the procedure, it is enough to imagine lush tomato forests in the garden: spreading bushes block the access of the sun to neighbors and lower parts, the soil is constantly moist, the air does not move in it. Such conditions are loved by the most dangerous diseases of the culture: late blight, septoria, cladosporiosis, rot - white, gray, brown, powdery mildew.

Fungal infections deprive the gardener of a significant part of the crop and spread unlimitedly throughout the site. In a greenhouse, this is compounded.

In the shade of thickened plantations, snails and slugs, caterpillars of a biting scoop feel great, whitefly colonies settle.

If by miracle it is possible to avoid these misfortunes, the harvest will still not bring much joy. Irregular shape, dull uneven coloring, low nutritional value of fruits - the result of a lack of light, air to plants in general, and fruits - nutrients. All the labor and material costs associated with growing seedlings, its transportation, planting do not pay off with a couple of stunted tomatoes, dejectedly trying to ripen among the plentiful tops.

But timely and correctly processed tomatoes are pleasing to the eye: slender rows of clean bushes decorated with garlands of tight fruits ripening on time, sometimes even ahead of them. It is convenient to water, spray, collect ripened specimens and even estimate the number of cans for harvesting for future use.

Pasynkovanie requires time and attention - this is the only drawback of the procedure. If there is often no opportunity to visit the country house, varieties less demanding of this procedure are planted:

  • for greenhouse cultivation: Ob domes, Sanka, Danko, Alaska, Honey cream, Velvet season, Nevsky;
  • for open ground: Agatha, Adeline, White filling, Betalux, Gnome, Gina, Gigolo.

These tomatoes have proven themselves in various regions, they are stunted, early and medium ripening. Of late ripening, determinants of Malinka and Titan are recommended.

However, all of them require garter, as well as timely removal of the lower leaves, located close to the soil. Moreover, tomato varieties suitable for sheltered soil should still be formed. Otherwise, their productivity does not compensate for the effort expended.


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