Cosmea Sensation: description, landing, care


Cosmea is a genus of plants of the aster family, originally growing in tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America. Thanks to the juicy and bright colors, other names appeared: space, beauty. The scientific name comes from kosmeo - decoration. The plant is represented by a variety of varieties that differ in shape, color and flowering time. If you want to see lush bouquets on the flowerbed already in the middle of summer, the Cosmei variety - Sensation is suitable.

Description of the variety Sensation

It is a voluminous bush: height 90-120 cm, and a width of up to 30 cm. The stem is erect, densely branching. Because of this, the bush looks neat and decorative, despite the large dimensions. The foliage is lush and openwork, highly dissected.

The flowering is plentiful from July to September, in a warm climate lasts until October. Petals are painted in one or 2-3 shades and are connected to the yellow center in a neat basket. Flowers are large 7-10 cm in diameter, located on branches singly. Suitable for cutting, attracting a large number of bees and butterflies.

The plant looks harmonious in the neighborhood of phlox, verbena, Turkish clove, chamomile and marigolds.

Color variety of the Sensation variety

The variety is represented by a variety of shades. The most common are given in the table:


Color feature

Mixture of colorsColoring is monophonic, with dark strips. Mix of white, carmine, burgundy and pink.
WhiteBlindingly white inflorescences.
CrimsonJuicy red with a raspberry tint.
Candy StrikeRaspberry border and stripes on bright petals.
Pink SensationSaturated matte shades.

Mr. Dachnik explains: agrotechnical features

The plant is resistant to cold and moderately to drought. A suitable landing area is open, with plenty of sunlight, protected from drafts. The presence of a strong shadow will negatively affect flowering.

Landing and caring for the cosmea do not cause difficulties. It is unpretentious to the soil, but feels better in loose and nutritious. The main condition is the absence of excessive moisture stagnation. Soil neutral pH 6.5-7.5, as an alternative slightly acidic pH 5-6. Too fertile land is also harmful because thick greens form, but the plant does not bloom. Next to young flowers, the soil is loosened and weeds are weeded.

Seeds are sown on flower beds in April-May. They are laid out in prepared recesses of 2-3 pcs and slightly pressed into the soil, not more than 1 cm, do not sprinkle. For the appearance of sprouts, a prerequisite is sunlight.

The optimum temperature for germination is +18 ... +20 ° C, seedlings that appear in 10-12 days. The distance between the holes is 30-40 cm.

With a sharp drop in temperature, seedlings are covered with a light cloth. After the appearance of a pair of true leaves, a pick is performed. Of the few shoots in the hole, the strongest is selected, the rest are transplanted or removed.

Growing seedlings is a reliable method in areas with a cold spring. Seeds are sown in March-April. You need to deepen the same way as when planting in open ground. After emergence, the temperature for growth should be within + 15 ... +18 ° C. In May, they plant in a permanent place.

Cosmea is resistant to drought, but a lack of moisture affects the number of flowers. Watering is regular and plentiful: 1 time in 7 days, 1-2 buckets for each plant.

To form a large number of buds, wilted flowers are removed, the tops of the bushes are pinched.

Tall plants need to be tied to supports, this will help to keep the flowerbed neat and the bushes will not suffer from rain and strong winds.

To form flowers and seeds, top dressing is done in 3 stages:

  • Growth phase. 10 l 1 tbsp. l universal fertilizer.
  • The formation of buds.
  • Bloom.

At the second and third stages, a comprehensive dressing for flowering plants is suitable, the dose is applied according to the instructions. Alternate it with potassium sulfate, 15 g per 1 m².

If the land is not depleted, it is enough to feed once every 1.5-2 months. With a small amount of nutrients every 3-4 weeks.

Variety Cosmea Sensation unpretentious in the care and is suitable for beginner growers. It will become a decoration of the flowerbed in the garden thanks to the large bright colors of red, white and pink shades. Plants will look good both planted in groups at a fence or wall, or as a background for stunted plants.


Watch the video: Cosmea bipinnatus Sensation (October 2024).