🌹Flower moon calendar for April 2020


In March it is still quite cool, and in April, warm days finally come. This is the best time for gardeners. This month they have a lot of work to do. To make it productive, it is recommended to follow the Lunar calendar for April 2020. He will tell you which days will be favorable for working with flowers and which will not. It also provides recommendations for ongoing work by numbers.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting flowers in April 2020

The table shows the numbers of April, which are most favorable for planting decorative-flowering plants. However, this does not mean that they cannot be sown and planted on other dates. It is important to avoid adverse days.

Annuals5-7, 9-10, 18-19, 28-298, 22-24
Biennial and perennial1-2, 7, 9-10, 13-14, 18-19, 28-29
Tuberous and bulbous7, 9-14, 18-19

Florist's lunar calendar for April 2020

When making any work, flower growers are advised to focus on the Lunar calendar, which is given below by date.


  • + high fertility;
  • +/- average fertility;
  • - low fertility.
  • ◐ The moon is rising;
  • ◑ The moon is waning;
  • ● New moon;
  • ○ Full moon.


♋ cancer +. ◐

Planting of ornamental shrubs, annuals, and perennials is recommended. Planting curly and ampelous varieties, the use of toxic drugs are undesirable.


♌ Leo -. ◐

Any work is allowed, with the exception of sowing, planting, germinating seeds, making nutrient mixtures and moistening the soil.


♍ Virgo +-.

Favorable numbers for planting annuals, ornamental shrubs, roses. It is not recommended to soak the seed.


♎ Scales +-. ◐

You can plant any kind of flowers and ornamental shrubs, root. Chemicals should not be sprayed against pests.


♎ Scales +-. ○ full moon

It is forbidden to carry out any manipulations with plants.


♏ Scorpio +. ◑

Planting of any varieties of plants, including curly copies and roses. Not recommended transplantation, pruning, division of roots and bulbs.


♐ Sagittarius +-. ◑

Planting curly and tuberous (clematis, azarina, kobe). Good time to root. Diving, watering and pruning are undesirable.


♑ Capricorn +-.

Planting tuberous and bulbous specimens, ornamental shrubs. It is not recommended to make any manipulations with the roots. If damaged, they will heal for a long time.


♒ Aquarius -. ◑

You can perform any work, except sowing and planting, watering and fertilizing.


♓ fish +. ◑

Planting any flowers, especially with tubers. It is not recommended to carry out processing against infections and insects, to do pruning.


♈ Aries +. ◑

Most of the work is prohibited, namely: planting, sowing, transplanting, germinating seed, picking, rooting, pinching, moisturizing and feeding.


♉ Taurus +. ● New moon

These days, the plants are most vulnerable, so any work is prohibited.


♉ Taurus +. ◐

We transplant perennial flowers, bulbs. We also feed indoor flowers.


♊ twins -. ◐

Planting curly and ampelous specimens. Transplantation, picking, moistening the soil and making nutrient mixtures are undesirable.


♋ cancer +. ◐

Favorable dates for planting annuals and perennials, ornamental shrubs. Planting and transplanting of bulbous specimens, the use of chemicals are not recommended.


♌ Leo -. ◐

Only sprouting, pinching, pinching, watering and top dressing are undesirable.

Work of gardeners in the open field in April 2020

In April, crocuses, kaluzhnitsa, and blueberries begin to break out from under last year’s grass. Tulips also enter active growth, forming their future buds. So that their stems are long and the glasses are large, you need to make nutrient mixtures for the bulb with nitrogen content, loosen the soil and water it.

Remove the foliage with which perennial specimens were mulled, so that the flowers feel spring warmth. When the soil warms up, it can again be covered with mulch so that it does not dry out under sunlight.

Rose care

Foliage also needs to be removed from roses, covered with non-woven material. Flowers over the winter have become unaccustomed to sunlight and wind; they can destroy them. If there is shelter, open it to the side for ventilation. When the soil warms up, the roots gain strength, shelter can be removed. Cover removal. Pruning.

Hybrid tea, polyanthus and floribunda roses need to be cut to wood. In park varieties this needs to be done only with respect to frozen ends.

Other colors care

It is also necessary to cover nonwoven material with specimens that winter with green leaves (yucca filamentous, mahonia holly and others). From the sun it is necessary to protect the needles of fir, juniper, arborvitae.

When perennial specimens grow (asters, stonecrops, chrysanthemums, etc.), you need to see which ones need division and transplantation. This does not apply to varieties blooming in spring and June. Work on them is done in the fall.

It is advisable to divide and transplant chrysanthemum bushes, which are over 2 years old. If this is not done, a lot of thin shoots will appear that will break under a gust of wind, without having time to bloom. On dividends there should be 1-2 strong shoots. They will grow rapidly and give buds already in the same season.

In order for the delphinium to plant strong, tall stems and large inflorescences, it needs to cut the weakened shoots. This should be done while they are only 5-8 cm high. Only 2-3 strong stems should be left, and the rest should be cut off at the very root neck, placed in growth stimulants and planted in the cuticle for rooting. Top with a sand layer of 5 cm.

Landing in the open ground of new specimens

At the beginning of the month, plant roses and cut their shoots so that nutrients do not go into the aerial part without getting to the root system. If this is not done, the flowers may die. Amaranth

In April it is already possible to plant annuals (tagetes, zinnia, petunias, amaranth and others). This should be done under a film shelter. On warm days, the film needs to be opened for ventilation.

Attention! Humus cannot be added to the soil, so as not to provoke the development of the disease, the black leg.

Annual specimens resistant to cold (eschscholzia, cornflowers, Iberis, scabiosis, chrysanthemum, etc.) can be immediately planted in a permanent place and not covered with anything.

In April, one-year asters are also allowed to sow. You just need to choose varieties that are resistant to various diseases. Of course, asters sown right on the street will bloom later than seedlings. But they will delight you with flowers in the fall, the bushes will turn out more magnificent and more resistant to infections. Planting gladioli

In open ground, you can plant tubers of gladioli. Choose a site where these flowers have not been grown for several years. Before planting the bulbs, clean, treat with insecticides. Old and sick (with a flat bottom) can not be planted, you can throw it away.

Work florists at home

In April, you need to take care of the seedlings located in the room. Instances planted in February should be fed with complex fertilizers for flowering plants (2-3 g per 1 liter of water). Fertilizers should be applied during watering, avoiding contact with stems and leaves.

To seedlings, sown in March, in separate cups, cassettes or seedlings. Plant small shoots at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from each other, and large ones at a distance of 4-5 cm.

A couple of weeks before landing on the street seedlings begin to temper. Those. first put into the air for 10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. During walks, shoots must be shaded from direct sunlight, covered from the wind.

In April it is already possible to plant seedlings of cloves Shabo, left-handed, sweet peas in open ground. Even if there are frosts, nothing will happen to the plants. They withstand temperatures up to -5 ° C.

Layout of dahlias

How to spread tubers for germination:

  • Rinse them, cut damaged areas.
  • Place for 10-15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Treat with growth stimulant.
  • Put tightly to each other on a layer of wet peat or scalded sawdust.
  • Cover the nests of tubers with soil mixture, leaving the root neck open.
  • Put in the brightest place in the room.
  • After the places of growth of the stems become noticeable, divide the nests (1-2 sprouts and a part of the old shoot should remain on each tuber).

Helpful information! Young shoots of dahlias can be planted on the street in late April. If suddenly the frosts return, they need to be covered with a film or non-woven material.

Gardening of balconies and loggias

For this purpose, you can use pansies or daisies. April will be the best time for them. These flowers do not like stuffy rooms, so in June they will have to be dug up and transplanted into the open ground. Instead, it will be possible to plant pelargonium and petunia.

Houseplant Care

If indoor plants need a transplant (the root system does not fit in an old pot, the soil has become unusable, etc.), incl. transshipment method, this must be done in April. After the manipulation, the flowers must be poured with zircon or processed on the crown with Epin Extra. Continue feeding, but not earlier than 3 weeks after transplantation. Flowers need to get used to a new place and enter growth again.

If the transplant is done later, the plants will tolerate it more painfully. When it is not possible to carry out such work, it is necessary to at least replace the top layer of the soil mixture.

Some gardeners are skeptical of the lunar calendar. However, those who adhere to it, note that the implementation of the recommendations favorably affects the cultivation of flowers. It’s easy to follow the tips, so you can try to do it and make sure that they really benefit.
