How to choose the best beet variety with high productivity and minimum hassle in the beds?


Mankind has been growing beets for more than two thousand years. The root crop is characterized by its unpretentious care and a certain “plasticity”, due to which it stably brings crops both in regions with a warm climate and in “zones of risky farming”. In addition, beets are extremely healthy. Breeders have bred many varieties that differ in terms of ripening, appearance and taste of root crops. Each of them is not without certain advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable for the gardener to familiarize themselves with them in advance and choose the variety that is best suited for him.

How to choose a beet variety for a specific region

The climate in the region is the first thing to consider when choosing a variety or a hybrid of beets. Breeding does not stand still; for a long time there appeared varieties specially adapted for the Urals, Siberia, and other areas with a sharply continental climate not suitable for gardening. Those who live in the southern subtropical regions are more fortunate. When choosing, they can focus solely on taste, productivity, keeping quality, the presence of immunity to certain diseases.

Choosing the most suitable beet variety is not an easy task, especially for a beginner gardener

In the middle zone of Russia, you can also plant almost any beet. Summer is quite warm there, the climate is temperate. Not only early varieties have time to ripen, but also late-ripening ones (root crops in them form in September or even in October). Winters here most often do not differ in severity, therefore autumn sowing is also possible. Beet seeds are planted in late autumn, and they give seedlings in early spring.

Among early ripening varieties among gardeners living in the European part of Russia, the most popular are Pablo and Bordeaux. The Cylinder, time-tested, also does not lose ground. For those who love beets, Regala will do. Of the varieties of the average maturity period, the Egyptian flat and Podzimnaya are awarded with consistently positive reviews; the late variety odnorostkovaya is appreciated for excellent keeping quality.

In the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, the Black Sea region and Crimea, varieties distinguished by high productivity are most often planted. Mild warm climate allows you to achieve the stated performance. Oriented gardeners and taste. Here the most popular varieties are Nosovskaya flat, Gribovskaya flat, Mulatto.

Summer in the Urals is unpredictable in terms of weather. Often it comes out pretty cool. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and plant early varieties, for example, Smuglyanka, Egyptian flat. They ripen in July-August, but root crops are formed quite large. Of the varieties of medium and late ripening, only cold-resistant ones are suitable for cultivation in the Urals, which will not be affected by very likely early frosts. The best among them are Slavyanka, Barynya, Detroit.

Cold-resistant beets are also planted in Siberia and the Far East. Summer there is short and rather cool. There are varieties specially adapted for these regions. For example, Siberian flat, Northern ball. With proper care, they are not inferior in yield and taste to other varieties. A distinctive feature is a very good keeping quality.

The right choice of beet varieties is the key to a plentiful harvest

Dark varieties without light rings

How healthy the beets are depends on the intensity of their color. Saturated deep burgundy or dark violet color is due to the presence of a high concentration of anthocyanins. These substances are natural antioxidants. Their ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the presence of antiseptic properties has also been scientifically proven. Accordingly, varieties and hybrids are especially appreciated, in the pulp of which there are no pinkish or whitish rings.

Single sprout

The variety was bred in the USSR. Recommended for cultivation in the European part of Russia, including the northern regions.

Single-beetroot beet much less than other varieties needs diving and thinning seedlings

The variety is considered to be ripe, but the period of ripening of root crops can be both 80 and 130 days. It depends on the climate in the area. A characteristic feature of Odnorostkovaya is one- or two-seeded fruitlets. Other varieties of beets most often give 4-6 shoots from each seed. Because of this, then you have to dive or thin out, which culture does not like too much.

Root crops are rounded or slightly flattened. Weight varies from 300 g to 600 g. The taste is not bad, but not outstanding. The variety is suitable for long-term storage.

Egyptian flat

A variety tested by more than one generation of gardeners and still withstanding competition from new breeding. It gives consistently high yields in the Urals, in Eastern Siberia, in the Far East.

By maturity, it belongs to the category of medium-late. Harvest ripens in 94-120 days. The variety is appreciated for excellent keeping quality. If root crops are created with optimal or close storage conditions, 88-90% of the crop will last until March next year without losing its presentability, juiciness and taste.

Egyptian flat beets stand out very good keeping quality

Root crops markedly flattened (this is reflected in the name), different sizes (300-500 g). By the way, this form is often considered an advantage by gardeners - root crops are convenient to cut, they can be more compactly folded into a pot during cooking and in storage boxes. The pulp is quite juicy and pleasant to taste: sweetish, uniform consistency. Productivity is not bad, but not a record (5-8 kg / m²).

Among the undoubted advantages of the variety is drought tolerance. As a disadvantage, a poor (at the level of 50%) seed germination is often noted. But it largely depends on the manufacturer.


Dutch beet variety. The state registry recognized this variety as suitable for cultivation in the Central region. But the experience of growing indicates that it gives a good harvest throughout the European part of Russia. The variety is early, however, great for long-term storage.

Boltardi - early beets, but at the same time it is very well kept

Vegetables are almost regular spherical in shape, not particularly large (160-370 g). The variety is appreciated by gardeners for the stability of fruiting, little dependent on the vagaries of the weather, presentability and one-dimensionality of root crops. The undoubted advantage is the presence of "innate" immunity to flare. As a disadvantage, not too high productivity is noted, due to the size of beets (2.7-3.1 kg / m²).


Another beet variety from the Netherlands. The state registry is recommended for cultivation in the Central region, and not only for amateur gardeners, but also for professional farmers.

Libero beets are in demand not only by amateur gardeners, but also by professional farmers

A variety from the mid-early category. The root crop is very dark scarlet, the characteristic “cork” at the base is practically absent, the skin is smooth. The average weight of one beet is 125-225 g. The Libero variety rarely suffers from shooting.

Among the undoubted advantages of this variety are the mass ripening of root crops, their presentability and good taste. It can also be noted keeping quality and high productivity.


A relatively recent achievement by Russian breeders. The variety is distinguished by excellent taste. The most suitable region for its cultivation is considered the Volga-Vyatka.

Bohemian beets are primarily valued for their excellent taste, but not without other advantages

Bohemia - mid-season beets. The root crop is oblate, with pronounced sampling at the base. The pulp is maroon. One beetroot weighs 210-350 g. The variety has good immunity to all fungal diseases typical of the culture; it is stored well, without losing its taste and appearance.

Bordeaux 237

"Old deserved" variety, the competitiveness of which has been tested by time. It is still one of the most popular.

A variety from the early category, root crops are formed in just 85-95 days. Moreover, this period does not depend much on what the weather is like. The vegetables are rounded. Weight varies from 250 g to 500 g. In diameter, they reach about 15 cm. Root crops stick out from the soil about half, this is normal.

Beetroot Bordeaux 237 has not lost its popularity for over 70 years

As the advantages of Bordeaux 237 beets, one can note a very good taste that is not lost during storage, and a good keeping quality. The short ripening period of root crops allows it to be planted several times with an interval of 8-15 days, thereby prolonging the fruiting period. The variety tolerates both heat and cool, not very susceptible to temperature extremes. Productivity at the level of 7-8 kg / m².

Video: what beetroot Bordeaux looks like


Despite the name, this beet comes from Italy. The state registry is recommended for cultivation in the Central region. But the experience of gardeners indicates that this variety is very well suited for the Far East.

Beetroot Detroit looks very presentable

Detroit is characterized by average crop maturity. Since the emergence of seedlings takes about 110 days. Root crops look very presentable - almost perfectly round, with a thin short root and smooth skin. The pulp is plain, burgundy. The average weight of one beet is 110-215 g. The sugar content is 12.3-14.2%.

The variety is appreciated for the stability of fruiting, the attractive appearance of root crops. This beetroot is suitable for canning and long-term storage. Also, Detroit is characterized by good cold tolerance, durability and the presence of immunity to flowering.

Video: Detroit Beets


The Dutch variety popular around the world. The Russian State Register is recognized as suitable for cultivation in the Central region and in the Urals. Larka is a mid-season beet, but is also suitable for long-term storage. The variety is also good for processing, which is why it is in demand not only by amateur gardeners, but also by farmers.

Beetroot Larka is in demand not only in Russia but throughout the world

Root crops of medium size (140-310 g), almost spherical, the pulp is rich scarlet. Testing is poorly expressed. The percentage of non-commercial “marriage” is extremely low - 6%.

Among the merits of the variety is consistently high yield, one-dimensionality and external attractiveness of root crops, good keeping quality. Larka is resistant to flowering; mechanized harvesting is possible. The originator states that the variety has an increased ability to remove heavy metal salts and half-life products of radioactive substances from the body.


Restrictions on the region of the Russian State register of cultivation is not established. Suitable for fresh consumption as well as for canning. Characteristic and very good keeping quality.

No obvious flaws in beet cultivars Bona

Beets from the mid-season category. Root crops are almost spherical, with very juicy, tender, sweetish pulp (sugar content - 12%). Verification is negligible. They are one-dimensional (weight - 250-280 g), the taste is very good.

The average yield is 5.5-6.8 kg / m². Advantages of the variety - presentation and uniformity of root crops, suitability for long-term storage.


A variety of medium late beets. Harvest ripens 100-110 days after emergence. Renova is suitable for long-term storage, presentability and benefits, the fruits do not lose for 6-7 months.

Renov beet almost does not have a characteristic smell, which many do not like

Root crops of cylindrical shape, up to 5 cm in diameter. Almost no characteristic aroma, which not everyone likes. The average weight of one beet is 180-350 g. The total yield is 7-9 kg / m².


Achievement of breeders twenty years ago. The variety is recognized as suitable for cultivation in all regions. Popular with amateur gardeners and farmers.

The cylinder belongs to the beet varieties of medium maturity. About 120 days elapse from germination to harvesting. Most suitable for canning and long-term storage.

Just appeared, Beet Cylinder almost immediately won incredible popularity among domestic gardeners

Root crops, as the name implies, are cylindrical in shape. The average diameter is 4-7 cm, length is 12-16 cm. Weight varies from 250 g to 600 g and depends on growing conditions. The taste is excellent. Other advantages - high yield (8-10 kg / m²), low percentage of reject root crops. The beet's inherent form makes it possible to seal plantings. A significant drawback is sensitivity to low temperatures. If the seedlings fall under springtime return frosts, mass bloom is very likely.

Video: description of the beet variety Cylinder

Cardial F1

A recent achievement by French breeders. It is recommended to plant a hybrid in the European part of Russia.

Beet Kardial F1 is very good in any dishes

Hybrid of medium ripening. Root crops are close in shape to a ball. Testing is moderate. Weight varies from 210 g to 350 g. Sugar content - 10.3-12.6%. The percentage of non-commodity products is 3-12%.

Kestrel F1

French hybrid, recommended for cultivation in Russia in the Volga region, the Caucasus and the Northwest region. Suitable for long-term storage. Harvest ripens in about 120 days. The hybrid is classified as mid-season.

Beetroot Kestrel F1 tolerates transplanting and diving

Root crops are almost round, sampling at the base is moderate. One beetroot weighs 205-375 g. The sugar content is relatively low - 5.7-10%. The percentage of marriage fits into the norm - 4-16%. The undoubted advantage of the variety is the presence of high immunity. Beets very rarely suffer from diseases typical of the culture. She also, unlike the vast majority of other varieties, without much stress tolerates picking and transplanting.

Bull blood

Another recent achievement by Russian breeders. The purpose is universal. Also, this beet is characterized by good keeping quality. A variety from the mid-season category.

Beetroot Bull blood is a universal root vegetable

Root crops are rounded. Ground sampling is moderate. The weight of one beet varies from 145 g to 240 g. The taste is wonderful. The sugar content is low - 8-10.5%.

The variety is appreciated for its consistently high yield, suitability for long-term storage, good frost resistance, and resistance to flowering. Root crops ripen in 110-120 days.

Video: a review of beet varieties without light rings

Beets of different maturity

One of the main criteria that the gardener is guided by when choosing is the maturity period of beets.

Early beetroot

When planting early varieties in early April, they yield crops already in July, and some even at the end of June. They do not differ in shelf life, taste cannot be called outstanding. Root crops are smaller than other varieties, the weight varies from 200 g to 500 g. Such beets are best suited for salads and making juices.


The recommended region for growing this beet is the North Caucasus. Productivity - 5-7 kg / m².

Modan beets are characterized by a very high percentage of marketable root crops

Root crops are flattened, corking is moderately pronounced, like rings in pulp. The weight of one beet is 250-370 g. The taste is good, the pulp is juicy and tender. The average sugar content is 8.1%.

The vinaigrette

One of the novelties of the Russian selection. The preferred regions for cultivation are the Central and Volga regions.

Beetroot Vinaigrette - one of the recent achievements of Russian breeders

The root crop is close in shape to the ball. Verification is almost absent. The average weight of one beet is 180-240 g. The sugar content is quite high - 11.5-12%.

Red ball

One of the earliest beet varieties. Harvest can be harvested already two months after the emergence of seedlings. Valued for good yield, resistance to heat and drought. It is rarely struck by color.

Beetroot Red ball brings one of the first crops

Root crops are spherical, with dark scarlet skin and pulp, without rings. Average weight - 300-500 g. The pulp is very juicy, tender, suitable for fresh consumption.


Beets come from Poland. I entered the State Register of the Russian Federation twenty years ago. It is advised to cultivate it in the Volga and Black Sea regions. The suitability of the variety for the preparation of juices and baby food is especially noted.

Beet Nokhovski is very suitable for cooking baby food

The rounding of rounded root crops is moderate. The weight of one beet is 150-375 g. The variety does not suffer from flowering. The average yield is 2.5-4.5 kg / m². Stored for early beets quite well.


The Dutch variety, the preferred growing region is the North Caucasus. Despite early maturity, it is recommended for long-term storage.

Beet Bolivar has a good frost resistance

Root crops in shape resemble a ball, weigh an average of 230-380 g. The pulp does not lose color after heat treatment. The variety is valued for resistance to cold and good yield.


Variety from the Netherlands. There are no restrictions on the growing region. It tolerates drought.

Beetroot Action in Russia can be grown almost everywhere except in regions with an Arctic and subarctic climate

Root crops are almost round, sampling is insignificant. The weight of one beet is 240-350 g. Sugar content is 11%.

Mid-season beets

Beets of medium ripening, as a rule, are planted in the first ten days of May. Harvested in late August or September. It matures within 100-110 days. Most of these varieties are appreciated for their palatability. Root crops are quite large - 350-550 g. The shelf life on average is 5-7 months. The purpose of these varieties, as a rule, is universal.

Borshcheva Don

It is included in the State Register most recently, in 2017. Its cultivation in the North Caucasus is recommended.

Beetroot Don Beet is very suitable for preparing the appropriate soup

Root crops are spherical, moderation is moderate. Average weight - 195-335 g. The flesh is pinkish-red, with clearly visible light rings. Sugar content is quite high - 10.3-11.1%. The percentage of non-market root vegetables is minimal - 3-7%.


The variety is suitable for canning, well stored. Root crops of the correct form, roundish. The average weight of beets is 230-515 g. This is largely determined by the growing conditions. The pulp is very tender and juicy. It is characterized by increased sugar content.

The yield of beet Delicatessen is highly dependent on agricultural technology and climate in the region of cultivation

This beet almost never suffers from rot. But she is very demanding in terms of watering. Productivity is highly dependent on agricultural technology, is 3-8 kg / m².

Incomparable A463

In the State Register since 1943. She is advised to land in the Central region and in the Urals. The name of the variety is fully justified by its characteristics, which happens quite rarely. This is really one of the best varieties of beets - tested by several generations of gardeners.

Beetroot Incomparable A463 is fully consistent with the name, which happens quite rarely

Root crops are very flattened. The pulp is very tender. The average weight of the root crop is -150-400 g.

The variety is never affected by cercosporosis, has a good resistance to flowering and stem. It tolerates cold snap, can be stored until next spring. The only drawback is that it does not tolerate heavy soils.

Cold resistant 19

Achievement of Belarusian breeders. In Russia (from the point of view of the State Register) it can be grown everywhere except the Volga region.

Cold-resistant beet 19 is notable for its good immunity, but it still has no absolute protection against diseases

Root crops are rather small (145-220 g), flat-round. The pulp is very juicy, tender, has an excellent taste. But the yield is not too high - 3.3-4.2 kg / m². Immunity to diseases typical for culture is not bad, but not absolute.

Podzimnaya A 474

The variety was bred in the USSR in the 50s of the twentieth century. It is valued for its keeping quality, suitability for sowing in the winter, absolute resistance to flowering and good resistance to other common diseases.

Winter beet A474 suitable for autumn planting

Root crops are rounded. The average weight is 210-250 g. They are suitable for processing and canning.

Globe F1

In addition to excellent taste, the hybrid has a high sugar content and an increased ability to remove radionuclides from the body. It is also appreciated for its good keeping quality and consistently high productivity.

Beetroot Globe F1 is recommended for poisoning the body with half-life of radioactive substances

Root crops of regular spherical shape, thin peel. The pulp is very tender. The average weight of one beet is 255-490 g.


It is cultivated mainly in the Northwest region. Beets are mostly single-seeded, which eliminates the need to thin out plantings and dive seedlings.

Valenta beet has rather unusual leaves

Root crops poorly corked. Vegetable weighs an average of 170-330 g. The taste is not bad, sugar content is high (13-14.1%).

Late beetroot

Varieties of late ripening are planted in the ground on the 20th of May. Root crops ripen in late September or October. The growing season is 120-135 days. They are the largest of all (400-600 g), outstanding taste. Such varieties are also valued for their keeping quality; the normal shelf life for them is 7–9 months. Most often they are designed for this. Good and in conservation.


Variety of universal purpose, bred in the Czech Republic. Requires adequate lighting and regular watering. A characteristic feature is a small number of leaves in the outlet.

Beet Citadel has a rather rare rosette of leaves

Root crops of cylindrical shape, reaching 20-25 cm in length. Beets on average weigh 360-500 g. Taste is excellent, as is presentability.

Red Cloud F1

Hybrid from the Netherlands. The Russian State Register has been listed for over 20 years. It is not recommended to land it east of the Urals.

Beetroot Red Cloud F1 - achievement of one of the most famous agricultural companies in the world

Root crops are slightly flattened, for the late beets are small (160-215 g). Pulp without bright rings. Taste is excellent, productivity - 4.5-5 kg ​​/ m². The hybrid does not suffer from root beetle, but quite often suffers from cercosporosis.


Universal variety from the Netherlands. In Russia, there are no restrictions on the growing region. It tolerates heat and drought well, is resistant to tsvetochnosti.

Beetroot Bicores is not particularly affected by heat and drought

Root crops are round, weakly corked. Beets weigh 160-320 g. The pulp tastes very good. Sugar content is high - 11-18%.


The variety was bred in Denmark, not much different from the Dutch Cylinder described above. The weight of the root crop is 250-600 g, diameter is 4-7 cm. Suitable for long-term storage, good in canning.

Beet Fron - almost a "clone" Cylinders

Matron Zedek

Variety, which is advised to cultivate in the Volga region and in the Far East. Valued for its good taste and ability to tolerate waterlogged soil.

Beetroot Matron Zedek brings a crop, even in waterlogged soil

Root crops flattened, red-burgundy. Medium sampling. The weight of one beet is 160-300 g.

The best varieties for storage

Shelfiness is not inherent in all beet varieties. A plentiful harvest is not a guarantee of its long-term storage. As a rule, late varieties are best stored, but there are exceptions.

Nosovskaya flat

A variety from the mid-early category. Root crops flattened. The pulp is very juicy. The average weight of a vegetable is 205-560 g. It depends on the weather in spring and summer.

The weight of beet root crops Nosovskaya flat strongly depends on how summer is given in terms of weather

The variety tolerates drought well, does not suffer from bloom. Productivity - 4-10 kg / m².

Rocket F1

Dutch mid-season hybrid. It is advisable to plant this beet in the European part of Russia and in Western Siberia. Appreciated for resistance to tsvetochnosti and drought, mechanized cleaning is possible.

Beetroot F1 is resistant to bloom, suffers little from drought

Small root crops (220 g), in the form of a cylinder. Verification is weak. The percentage of defective root crops is very low - 1-7%. Productivity - 5-7 kg / m². Sugar content at the level of 11.7%.

Madame Rougette F1

Hybrid early ripening, however, is perfectly stored. This beet is advised to grow in the Volga region.

Beetroot Madame Rougette F1 best manifests itself when grown in the Volga region

Root crops are almost round, average sampling. The weight of one beet is 130-250 g. Sugar content is not too high - 10.3%. The variety is resistant to flowering; in general, it is characterized by good immunity. Productivity is 3.5-8.5 kg / m².


A variety from the mid-season category. It has resistance to tsvetochnosti and generally good immunity. Productivity is highly dependent on planting care and summer weather (3.5-8.5 kg / m²).

Crosby Beet Productivity Depends on Planting Care

Red-burgundy flattened root crops weighing 500-600 g. The pulp is very juicy and tender.


A variety from the mid-season category. There are no restrictions on the regions of cultivation.

Beets Tenderness has no restrictions on the region of cultivation

The root crops are elongated, smooth, of the correct form, the sampling is weakly expressed. The average weight of beets is 160-310 g. Sugar content is relatively low - 7.6-9.7%.

Gypsy girl

A variety of medium ripening. It shows itself in the best way in the Volga-Vyatka region.

Gypsy beets are recommended to be grown in the Volga-Vyatka region

Testing is moderate. The weight of the root crop is 230-370 g. Sugar content at the level of 10.5%.

The sweetest beets

High sugar content of root crops means their suitability for processing. Still, such beets are very good in fresh form and for making juice. You can enter it in the children's diet.

Ordinary miracle

A variety from the mid-season category. The taste of this beet is very balanced, the flesh is tender. Root crops are round or slightly flattened, weighing an average of 300-450 g. Sugar content - 16.5-17.8%.

Beetroot Ordinary miracle very balanced taste


A popular mid-season variety specially bred for cultivation in Western Siberia and the Far East. The variety rarely suffers from cercosporosis, but for some reason the beetroot flea has a special love for it.

Beet Bravo more often than other varieties suffers from beet flea attacks

Root crops are almost round. The pulp is dense, but tender and juicy. Weight varies from 200 g to 780 g. Taste is excellent, sugar content is very high (15.8-17.9%). The percentage of marriage of root crops is not more than 2-8%. Productivity - 6.5-9 kg / m².


The early variety, however, is also suitable for long-term storage. Cultivating it is recommended in the Central region. Advantages include resistance to cercosporosis and flare.

Beet Kozak is resistant to cercosporosis, does not suffer from bloom

The root crops are elongated, moderate peking. The weight of beets is 180-290 g, sugar content - 15.7%. Productivity is not bad - about 7 kg / m².


The most suitable regions for cultivation are the Volga region, the Black Sea region and the Far East. The variety is widely used in cooking, but is also suitable for long-term storage. Mulatto - medium-late beets. Harvested 125-130 days after seed germination.

Beetroot Mulatto - a popular mid-late variety

Root crops are almost round. The sampling is generally absent or very weak. The average weight is 160-360 g. The sugar content is very high - 14.2-14.6%. The percentage of marriage, depending on the care - 2-18%. The variety is valued for its keeping quality and transportability, and not only by amateur gardeners, but also by farmers. He is also not very susceptible to sudden changes in temperature.

Video: what does beetroot Mulatto look like


The variety comes from Germany. Restrictions on the region of cultivation are not provided. Resistant to flowering. It tolerates a decrease in temperature, but does not like the increased humidity of air and soil.

Ataman beets are quite cold-resistant, but sensitive to waterlogging

Root crops in the form of a cylinder, with a smooth skin. Beets weigh about 280 g. Sugar content - 14.8-17.7%.

Video: the sweetest beet varieties

The best varieties of beetroot

The best table beet varieties stand out for their balanced taste. They are suitable for fresh consumption.


A variety of medium ripening. Appreciated for its high yield and excellent taste. Medium-sized dark red root crops with a diameter of only 4-6 cm and weighing 200-300 g. The flesh is very juicy and tender. The variety is demanding in terms of watering. The average yield is 4.5-7 kg / m².

To get a plentiful harvest, Rival beets need to be properly watered

Andromeda F1

Early grade. The state registry is recommended for cultivation in the Black Sea. The hybrid is single germ. Root crops are cylindrical, with a diameter of up to 6.5 cm, very large - more than 680 g. The pulp is very juicy, cooks easily and quickly, does not lose color during heat treatment. As a lack of variety, susceptibility to diseases is noted - root eater, powdery mildew, cercosporosis, all types of rot. Also, this species is sensitive to cold. A characteristic feature is the inability to accumulate nitrates.

Beetroot Andromeda F1 can not boast of good immunity


A medium-ripening variety that very successfully combines the excellent taste of root crops with keeping quality and high immunity. Root crops are cylindrical, reaching a mass of 320 g. Almost two-thirds of beets stick out of the ground, that's fine. Productivity - approximately 7 kg / m².

The root crop of Kedri beet bulges almost two-thirds from the ground


Achievement of Polish breeders. Mid-season grade. In Russia it is recommended for cultivation in the Black Sea region and the Central region. The root crops are elongated, the weight varies from 160 g to 440 g. They are half immersed in the soil. The variety does not suffer from phomosis, but can become infected with cercosporosis. Productivity - 2.5-5 kg ​​/ m².

The greatest danger to beet Opołski is cercosporosis

Black woman

Recommended regions for cultivation are the Volga region and the Far East. A variety of medium ripening. Root crops in the shape of a ball, weak sampling. Sugar content is at the level of 9.7%, but this does not affect the excellent taste.

Beet Ebony is not particularly sweet, but it does not affect the taste

Feed varieties

Fodder beets are grown in order to provide livestock with food for the winter. Not only the vegetables themselves go to food, but also the tops. The highest yields for varieties with root crops in the form of a cylinder, cone or bag. And the sweetest ones are pink, white and yellow.

Most popular are:

  • Sugar pink. Mid-late variety. In the State Register since 1985. Root crops are conical, the skin is white, closer to the base it turns pink. The pulp is snow-white. The variety is valued for its keeping quality and very good immunity.
  • Marshal. Danish late grade. Recommended by the State Register for cultivation in the Black Sea region, the Volga region, in the North Caucasus. Root crops are cylindrical, pale green, the part protruding to the surface with a reddish tint. The average weight of beets is 765 g. It is extremely rare to suffer from a root eater, jaundice viruses and mosaics.
  • Centaur Poly.Middle-late beets come from Poland. The Russian State Register is already 20 years old. She is advised to cultivate in the Black Sea region. Root crops are oval, white, greenish on the surface. Of the diseases typical of culture, it most often suffers from flaccidity, and is practically not affected by the rest.
  • Ekkendorf yellow. In the State Register since 1943. Root crops are yellowish, grayish-green on the surface. They rise above the ground by almost two-thirds. The rosette of leaves is very powerful. Appreciated for its high cold resistance and durability.
  • Hope. Reaching Russian breeders almost 20 years ago. Recommended for cultivation in the European part of Russia and in the Far East. Root crops elongated, dull red. The pulp is snow-white. Valued for its high yield. Prone to powdery mildew and cercosporosis.

Photo gallery: widespread beet varieties in Russia

Growing beets in a personal plot is not so difficult. Even a beginner gardener can do it. Often the choice of variety is much more difficult. It is very difficult not to get confused among the existing variety of varieties bred by breeders. The determining factor in the choice is the climate in the region. And only then can we proceed from taste, keeping quality, productivity, disease resistance, other criteria.


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