Removable garden strawberry Ostara: abundant fruiting in summer and autumn


Repairing varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries attract special attention of gardeners with their abundant fruiting from early summer to late autumn. Ostara is one of the best old varieties of this type, still very popular due to its unpretentiousness and vitality. This strawberry is sure to delight even the most inexperienced beginners with a delicious harvest.

Ostara - a repairing variety of large-fruited garden strawberries

The repairing variety of garden strawberries Ostara was created by Dutch breeders in the 70s of the last century, but is still widely grown in Europe and the countries of the former USSR. In Russia, this variety is not currently zoned, although it is often found in commercial nurseries and amateur gardeners. Ostara belongs to the group of varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries of neutral daylight hours, which yield crops from the beginning of summer until the onset of autumn frosts.

Ostara's remontant garden strawberry - an old and reliable Dutch variety

Russian gardeners traditionally mistakenly call strawberry large-fruited strawberries, although these are completely different plants.

What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries (table)

TitleLarge strawberry gardenStrawberry AlpineWild strawberryStrawberry
Where is growingThe result of artificial hybridization of two South American species, exists only in cultureGarden variety of wild strawberriesForest glades and forest edges of the temperate zone of EurasiaDry meadows, steppe slopes of the temperate zone of Eurasia
Berry sizeLargeSmall
SepalsRaised up, easy to separate the berry from the calyxClosely pressed, very difficult to separate from the berry
Taste and smell of berriesAlmost flavorlessThe characteristic aroma of wild strawberriesVery specific nutmeg taste and aroma

How to recognize strawberries and strawberries (photo gallery)

Strawberry Ostara blooms almost continuously and very plentifully from the end of spring until the onset of autumn cold weather. Peduncles strongly branching, reaching 35 centimeters in length, initially raised above the leaves, gradually tending to the ground under the weight of the developing berries.

Ostar wild strawberries bloom abundantly from spring to fall

The plant is very decorative throughout the season and can be grown in pots or containers as a decoration of the site. Leaves are medium sized, bright green. A lot of mustaches are formed, the very first rosettes on them can bloom in the same season.

Ostar's wild strawberries can be grown in pots as an ornamental plant

Fruits very abundantly from late June - early July (depending on the weather and the region) to the October frost. In the greenhouse, year-round fruiting is possible. The size of the berries is very dependent on the age of the plants (on young rosettes the berries are much larger than on old ones) and on the care of strawberry plantings.

The berries are red, shiny, beautiful conical shape, great taste, sweet with a slight sourness. They make excellent quality jam, canned stewed fruit and other homemade preparations.

From the berries of wild strawberry Ostara we get very tasty homemade preparations

Strawberry planting

Strawberries are ideally suited for fertile sandy loamy soils or light loamy soils that are plentifully fertilized with humus (2-3 buckets per square meter). The acidity of the soil is slightly acidic to neutral. The soil should be loose, well permeable to air and water.

Areas not suitable after solanaceous or uprooted old wild strawberries, there is always a large supply of infection in the soil.

The future strawberry must be dug up in advance on the bayonet of a shovel and remove all rhizomes of weeds from it.

The standard planting scheme is 50 centimeters between rows, 30 centimeters between plants in a row.

For ease of care, weed control, moisture saving and the prevention of gray rot, strawberries are often grown on a special black mulching film.

Mulching with a special black film makes it easier to care for strawberries

The procedure for landing with a mulching film:

  1. The prepared (dug up and leveled) area is completely covered with a black film, fixed its edges with boards or sprinkled with earth.
  2. Mark the rows of the future strawberry, slightly cut the film crosswise at each planting site for each plant.

    To plant seedlings in a mulching film, make incisions crosswise under each plant

  3. Carefully plant strawberry seedlings in these sections:
    1. make a small hole in the ground;
    2. place in it a strawberry seedling, spread its roots;
    3. fill it with earth and gently press it with your hand so that there are no voids near the roots;
    4. pour each seedling with a small amount of water.

Proper planting of wild strawberries (video)

When planting strawberries, it is very important to maintain the correct planting depth: the growth point (the base of the bush, the so-called "heart") should be located exactly on the soil surface.

When planting strawberries, the growth point should be located strictly at the level of the ground

The higher the initial quality of the seedlings, the easier it takes root, the faster it starts to bloom and give berries. The first harvest is possible in late summer already in the first year of planting.

Signs of high quality seedlings:

  • Each plant has at least 3 healthy, well-developed leaves.
  • Open seedlings have healthy, not dried up, well-branched roots of at least 8 centimeters in length.

    Good seedlings of strawberries have at least 3 leaves and dense branched roots

  • At seedlings from pots, an earthen lump is densely braided with a network of actively growing white roots.

    In seedlings from cups, an earthen lump should be braided by roots

The optimal timing of strawberry planting (table)

Landing timeSpringAutumn
Southern areasAprilSeptember
Central and northern areasMayAugust

In damp areas and heavy clay soils, it is better to plant wild strawberries on raised beds with a height of about 15-20 centimeters. They are filled with a light fertile soil mixture with a high content of organic matter. For winter, such beds and passages between them are thrown with a thick layer of fresh loose snow taken from permanent paths or other places free of vegetation.

On damp and heavy soils, strawberries are best planted on raised beds

In the southern regions, remontant strawberries look very impressive on various pyramids and whatnots. They save space in the garden, but require constant watering, especially in hot weather. In regions with more severe winters, such structures are made collapsible. For the winter, the boxes are removed and put on the ground for wintering under the snow.

In the south, strawberries grow well on whatnots and pyramids.

Without snow, remontant strawberries can withstand only short-term cooling to -10 ° C. Under the snow blanket, Ostara easily tolerates thirty-degree frosts. To hold the snow where the wind blows it, you can scatter the pine lapnik along the strawberries. This is done in late autumn after mild freezing temperatures. Too early and too dense shelter threatens plants with death from aging. In spring, the spruce branches are removed immediately after the snow melts.

If in winter the strawberries were covered with spruce branches, in the spring it should be removed immediately after the snow has melted, so as not to prevent the plants from developing

Strawberry propagation

Removable garden strawberry Ostara retains valuable varietal qualities only during vegetative propagation - rooted creeping shoots (mustaches) and dividing bushes.

The easiest way to propagate strawberries with rooting shoots - mustache

The easiest way to propagate strawberries mustache. When grown on a regular earthen bed without mulch, they often root themselves, without the help of a gardener. Seedlings of the highest quality are obtained from the very first whiskers on young plants of the first year of fruiting. You can grow beautiful seedlings with an earthen lump if each mustache with a rosette of leaves is pinned into an individual holey cup with light soil mixture dug into the ground (of course, with such a system they will need regular watering).

Strawberry mustache can be rooted in pots or cups.

It takes about 2 months to fully root. After this, the mustache can be trimmed, and a young plant transplanted to a new place.

The division of the bushes can be used to rejuvenate the old plantation, if for some reason there is not enough good young mustache. Each dug bush is neatly divided into several parts, each of which should have a growth point (heart), 3-4 good young leaves and powerful branched roots. The old base of the bush is thrown out, and the dividers are planted on a new bed.

Strawberry Care

The roots of garden strawberries are superficial. She is equally afraid of drought and waterlogging. Especially dangerous is the stagnation of water in the soil, causing rotting of the roots, and the ingress of water on the berries, which provokes the development of gray rot.

It is convenient to equip strawberry plantations with drip irrigation

On strawberry plantations, a drip irrigation system is usually mounted. Its simplest option can be done on its own from a leaky hose, while it is important to ensure that the water pressure in the system is not too large.

If the water pressure is too strong, its streams fall on the berries, causing the disease to rot gray

The most suitable for wild strawberries are complex organic-mineral fertilizers ("Giant", "Bio-Vita", "Ideal" and so on). Exact dosages and timing are indicated on their packaging. The required minimum is 1 top dressing in the spring every year. You can additionally feed 1-2 times a month throughout the summer, this will increase the size of the berries, but with an overdose, their quality will suffer.

You can not make fresh manure under strawberries.

Special methods of increasing the yield

By its nature, Ostara garden strawberries form a large number of relatively small berries. On young plants, berries are larger than on old ones. The size of the berries can be significantly increased if you cut out part of the peduncles on the plant and regularly cut off all the formed mustache.

Strawberry berries will be larger if you remove all the mustache and part of the peduncles on the plant

Because of the long peduncles, the berries often lie on the ground and get dirty. On large plantations, this problem is solved using a mulching film. On a small amateur bed with a dozen strawberry bushes, it is possible to put props under each plant, bent from a thick wire with protective insulation.

Supports for strawberries will protect them from contamination of the ground

Strawberry flowers do not withstand even slight frosts. The petals may look alive, but if the heart of the flower turns black from frost, the berries will no longer work.

Frozen flowers with blackened hearts do not form berries

The harvest of remontant strawberries can be significantly increased if, during the spring and autumn frosts, the plants are covered with a film or agrofiber. In warm weather, during the day, shelters are opened for pollination by bees.

During the day, a film cover is opened for pollination of flowers by bees

Diseases and Pests

Ostara's remontant garden strawberry is characterized by increased resistance to leaf spots, but suffers greatly from root rot when the soil is waterlogged. The berries are affected by gray rot to a moderate degree. The main pests are snails and slugs.

The almost continuous flowering and fruiting of remontant strawberries makes it impossible to use any pesticides on its plantations.

Pest and disease control measures (table)

TitleWhat does it look likeHow to fight
Snails and slugsSlugs (naked snails) eat berries in all areas of cultivation. In the south, they are joined by voracious grape snails. Pest eggs roll on the soil surface in clumps of translucent granulesManual collection and destruction of slugs, snails and their egg laying
Root rotPlants affected by root rot wilt and dryTo dig and burn the perishing plant, to plant nothing in its place (the infection persists in the soil for a year or more)
Gray rot of berriesAffected berries are covered with gray moldy coating.
  • Manual collection and destruction of diseased berries;
  • Mulching the soil to prevent contact of the berries with the ground

Diseases and pests of strawberries (photo gallery)


Ostara - it turned out to be the same variety that is sold in winter in import boxes. Only in the store is it grass-grass, and from the garden it is sweet and tasty. Very productive, fruiting before the snow, dense berries, excellent transportability. To make the berries larger, I thinned out both flower stalks and ovaries. A very mustachioed variety, two waves of mustache formation, but also bears fruit immediately on young outlets.



More modern varieties of neutral daylight hours (NST) are represented by the best varieties of the USA (Albion, Holiday, etc.), Holland (Ostara, Vima Rina, and other Vima ... etc.) and the United Kingdom ( "Sweet Eve", "Eve", "Eves Delight"). They give berries virtually without interruptions and the mustache of some varieties in the current season blooms (!) And gives many large berries. That is, at the same time red berries are hanging on one bush, new peduncles are blooming and buds are still in their infancy. But there is also a short break in a couple of weeks from ripe berries to throwing new buds, the climate also depends on the variety.



Not a bad strawberry OSTARA. So that no one ate from below, I recommend making the supports themselves for flowers. Thick wire can be purchased in the department that sells mesh for fences. Better 3 things per bush.



Ostara is a Dutch variety (not new). One of the unpretentious and undemanding to soil and climate. Variety for beginners summer residents. The bushes are high enough, the leaf is dark green, tall, but the leaf blade itself is not large, the peduncles are also long - under the weight of the berries they can bend to the ground. There are a lot of mustaches. It is drought-tolerant in the bushes, but the berry is not dense, not transportable, it can shed seeds in the very heat, from which the appearance is completely lost. There are many peduncles, from which the size of the berry is also smaller. The taste is good, sweet.

Alexander Krymsky


Very good taste for the autumn harvest. Usually, the autumn berries of remontant strawberries are less sweet than the summer ones. The berries are quite large, bright red. Remontant strawberries require good care and enhanced nutrition, as its flowering is almost continuous. Propagated also by a mustache. I usually leave one or two bushes for propagation at the repair strawberries - I do not let them bloom.

Svetlana Yurievna


Ostara is one of the most reliable and unpretentious varieties of remontant garden strawberries.She is not capricious in leaving and always pleases with an abundant harvest of albeit not very large, but amazingly tasty berries ripening almost continuously from the end of June until late autumn. In addition, it easily propagates with a mustache, which allows you to quickly acquire the desired number of plants of this wonderful variety.
