Blackcurrant Lazybones: late ripening variety with large sweet berries


Blackcurrant takes pride of place in any household plot. This is one of the most popular berry crops. Often several varieties are grown with different ripening dates to enjoy delicious and healthy berries all season. Of particular interest to gardeners is the large-fruited Currant Lazybones, pleasing harvest at the end of summer.

Black Currant Lazybones: variety description, characteristics, photo

The variety was bred by scientists S. Knyazev, L. Bayanova, and T. Ogoltsova at the end of the last century at the All-Russian Research Institute for the Selection of Fruit Crops when Crossing the Varieties Bradthorpe and Minai. Since 1995, it has been included in the State Register and recommended for the North-West, Central, Volga-Vyatka and Middle Volga regions.

Blackcurrant Lazybones was bred at the end of the last century and has since been very popular among gardeners

Unusual name - Lazybones - acquired the variety due to the late ripening period: the berries ripen in August, by this time other species of this crop have already been bred. There are few such late-ripening varieties. Among the features should also be noted a very large size of the fruit and a sweet taste.


Currants form a tall, medium-spreading bush with straight, strong, smooth shoots of a light green hue, golden at the top. The leaves are five-lobed, large, green, shiny, without pubescence, with short wide denticles along the edges. Buds of medium size, in the shape of a cone, are painted in pinkish-purple color, are formed along the entire length of the branches. Currant blooms with flowers, similar to bells, with reddish petals. Inflorescences of medium size are located on the hanging long, up to 8 cm hands.

Currant Lazybones grows in a tall, spreading bush with powerful branches

The main advantage of the variety is large round-shaped berries, weighing 2.5-3.1 g, brownish-black, sweet. They contain: sugars - 8.3%, vitamin C - 157.0 mg%. The taste is rated at 4.5-5 points. Berries are not one-dimensional. The pulp is juicy, medium density, the skin is small in thickness. From 1 ha, an average of 110.5 c.

On a note. Lazybear autonomy - 45%, can bear fruit without additional pollinators. But to improve the taste and increase productivity, it is recommended to plant other varieties nearby: Binar, Odzhebin, Pilot Mamkin, Belarusian Sweet.

The variety is also valued for frost resistance - it tolerates even severe frosts (-34), therefore it is widely cultivated in the Leningrad and Pskov regions. In addition, Lazybones are resistant to pathogens of such common diseases as powdery mildew and anthracnose, rarely affected by a kidney tick (1 point). The disadvantages include the non-simultaneous ripening of the crop, the shedding of ripe berries and a low level of transportability.

Black Currant Lazybones Valued for Large Sweet Berries

Landing Features

To grow currant bushes healthy and productive, it is necessary to observe several conditions.

Dates and place

You can plant black currant in spring and autumn. However, since the plant’s vegetation process begins early, during spring planting it does not have enough time to develop the root system, the risk of its death is great. Therefore, the most favorable period is autumn, you can plant a berry shrub all September until mid-October. The main thing is that the plant needs to be planted 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost, so that it has time to take root.

The acquisition of seedlings

Healthy planting material is the key to a future crop. Therefore, you should not buy seedlings in natural markets, sales, where they often offer low-quality goods or a completely different variety. It is better to buy them in nurseries and garden centers. For planting, it is better to use one- and two-year-old plants.

When buying seedlings, special attention should be paid to the root system

On a note. Two-year-olds better take root faster and begin to bear fruit faster.

When choosing seedlings, you should know:

  1. An annual plant should have 1-2 shoots up to 25 cm high, 1-2 skeletal roots 15 cm long and a lot of fibrous roots.
  2. A two-year-old seedling should have even flexible shoots up to 40 cm tall, with 3-5 lignified roots 20 cm long with a yellowed bark and developed fibrous roots.
  3. The roots should be without damage and rot. It is advisable that they be treated with clay mash, which will prevent them from drying out.

Reference. To make sure that the selected plant is black currant, just scrape the bark of the twig a little: the green flesh has a specific currant aroma.

If the currant seedlings are acquired in late autumn, they are dug up. To do this, dig trenches in a sunny area, lay plants on top of sawdust or moss with the tops to the south, cover them with earth and cover with lapnik.

Site preparation

The most suitable place for the Bummer is sheltered from the wind, well warmed by the sun. The more sunlight the plant gets, the sweeter the berries will be. In the shade, the bush stretches, the berries become smaller. To protect the shrub from the cold northern winds, it is better to plant it along the fence.

Blackcurrant Lazybones planted along the fence will be reliably protected from the cold northerly winds

The variety is particularly undemanding to soil, but bears more fruit on light sandy loamy well-dressed lands. It should be borne in mind that black currant is not suitable for excess acidity, in such areas it grows poorly, berries crumble. Therefore, to deoxidize the soil, 500 g of lime per 1 m2 is added.

It is not necessary to plant bushes in lowlands where cold air stagnates or groundwater lies close. If it is not possible to choose another site to avoid flooding, make drainage grooves for water drainage.

Between the bushes should leave enough space, at least 1 m - with a sparse planting it is easier to care for them and harvest. Thickening of the bush leads to a decrease in productivity and a deterioration in the taste of berries.

Important. Do not plant Lazybones where berry bushes used to grow. The best predecessors for blackcurrant are potatoes, corn, rye, and legumes.


In advance, a few weeks before planting, it is necessary to prepare the site: dig and level the ground, remove the rhizomes of weeds. To reduce acidity, lime, ash is added. Under each bush they dig a hole 40 cm deep, 50 cm wide, leaving a distance of 1-1.5 m between them.

  1. Before landing on the bottom of the pit, a fertile layer of earth is poured, mixed with humus (1 bucket), ash (300 g) and superphosphate (200 g).
  2. A plant is planted at an angle of 45 degrees, while the root neck is deepened by 10 cm or more - this contributes to the appearance of additional roots and new shoots that grow into a strong bush in a short time.

    Plant the plant in a hole at an angle, which contributes to the rapid growth of roots and the emergence of new shoots

  3. They fill up the hole with nutritious earth, ram it.
  4. Water the sapling (10 l) well.
  5. Mulch the soil with hay, straw, sawdust with a layer of 8 cm to protect it from overheating and retain moisture.

Important. Planted in prepared nutrient soil, blackcurrant will take root well, harden and strengthen in winter, and in spring it will quickly grow and begin to bear fruit.

Video: basic rules for planting seedlings

Proper care

When growing blackcurrant, it does not take much effort, however, timely watering and top dressing, competent pruning, and preventive measures to prevent diseases and pests contribute to the formation of a healthy bush that will yield excellent yields for 15-20 years.


Currants are watered 2-3 times a week (1 bucket per bush) with warm water heated in the sun. With insufficient watering, the foliage dries, the fruits become smaller and crumble. The culture especially needs moisture during the fruiting period, because at this time flower buds are laid, which form the harvest of the next season. Watering is best done in the evening, so that the soil is well moistened, and the roots are saturated with water. However, excess moisture adversely affects the development of plants, can trigger the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Throughout the season, blackcurrant bushes are watered, watering is stopped only when the berries ripen

Sprinkle currants from a watering can, by sprinkling with a hose or through grooves with a depth of 15 cm, made in the root zone. When the berries ripen, watering is stopped to prevent them from cracking.

Top dressing

Top dressing contributes to an increase in yield and a more intensive development of the currant bush, so they plant it in well-fertilized soil. In the spring, at the end of March, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizer (40 g of urea 10 l), chicken droppings (100 g 10 l). When forming the ovaries under the bush make nitroammophoska (150 g 10 l). In the fall, currants are fertilized with humus (10 kg), ash (100 g m2).

Complex fertilizers contain all the elements necessary for the growth and fruiting of black currant

Important. Nitrogen fertilizers are not used in the autumn period, so as not to cause the growth of new shoots, which do not have time to lignify by the cold and can die.


In order to grow a healthy plant that gives excellent yields, bushes begin to form immediately after planting: shorten the shoots by 2/3 and leave 4-5 buds. This contributes to the development of side branches.

  1. In the second year in spring, until the buds are full, weak, dry and broken branches are removed, the base of the bush should be 3-4 strong branches.
  2. In the third year, 5 strong new shoots are left at the overgrown bush.
  3. In the fourth year, the formation of the bush by cutting is completed. Properly trimmed bush should have about 15 skeletal branches of different ages.

    Blackcurrant pruning is carried out annually in the early spring; diseased and broken branches are removed in the fall

Subsequently, anti-aging pruning is performed, removing the old shoots, leaving the young ones straight, strong, curved and weak cut. In autumn, sick and dried branches are removed.

Video: spring blackcurrant care

Winter preparations

Variety Lazybones well tolerates cold winters, so the bush does not need additional insulation. To prevent freezing of the roots, the trunk circle is mulched with horse manure, sawdust, after cleaning it from weeds and moistening it well. In winter, they snow under a bush.

Disease prevention

Blackcurrant of this variety is resistant to common diseases of berry bushes. However, in adverse conditions it can be affected by disease and be attacked by pests. For prevention, before flowering, it is recommended to treat the bushes with a Bordeaux mixture (100g 10 l), Topaz (1 ampoule 10 l), Confidor Maxi (1 ampoule 10 l). After collecting the berries, the plants and the soil are treated with Nitrafen (300 g 10 l).

To avoid the disease of blackcurrant, preventive spraying of bushes with biological products is carried out


Among the inherited from the previous owners of the summer cottage nameless bushes of blackcurrant, I have two “Lazybones” bought by me. They are still in their second year and I can not say anything about their "adult" productivity. But the berry is very tasty, sweet and larger than that of my "nameless" ones (and I have very good yielding and sweet "nameless" bushes). And also the “Lazybear” feature is that it is a very late variety, it ripens 3-4 weeks later than all black currants. For me, this is a virtue, because you don’t have to pluck all the berries at once, at least some of the best ones.



Yesterday, a lazy dog ​​was harvested from a bush of blackcurrant. At a generally not very late date for the start of ripening, it lasts slowly and the berries hang for a long time, almost without crumbling. Their taste is not fantastic (quite good, there are a lot of sweets), but at that time there were no other black currants in the district for a long time. In general, the Lazy man was not in vain lazy.

Andrey Vasiliev


I have been growing for many years Currant Lazybones. When I asked the author of the variety, Tatyana Petrovna Ogoltsova, when she sent me the cuttings, she replied: "Because she is late-ripening, lazy to ripen." The lazy dog ​​grows in a powerful bush, high-yielding, berries are sweet, large, late ripe. We have already collected both Lucia, and Exotica and Openwork, etc., and the Lazy person is still waiting in line. It must be planted 2X2 meters: the bushes are powerful.



The variety in the collection took a good place. There are pros and cons. A lot of ovary was crumbled, apparently, it requires attention, it was not enough from me, especially for top dressing. Taste like sweet. The berries are very large. The bush is 3 years old, today it has collected more than 5 liters, not everything is collected. Last year, the berries burst, there were plentiful long showers, he does not like them, the skin is quite thin, but does not break when harvested. I think that Lazybear is suitable for private gardening, for a loved one.



In life, the variety is fully consistent with its name! Therefore, last year in the spring he was ruthlessly removed from the site. He bore fruit with me for about 3 years.



When choosing blackcurrant for your garden, you should pay attention to the late-ripening variety Lazybones, frost-resistant, resistant to disease. If you adhere to the recommendations for caring for the bush, for many years you can harvest rich crops, feast on fresh berries and make tasty and healthy preparations for the winter.


Watch the video: Sacramento (October 2024).