Barberry Erecta - planting and care, description


A variety of barberries allows you to choose any to decorate the site. Varieties of Thunberg (berberis thunbergii) are distinguished by their decorative appearance and versatility, which is why they are often used by landscape designers. Barberry Erekta is one of the popular varieties, which is distinguished by its beautiful decorative appearance and unpretentiousness.

Description of Barberry Erect

Barberry of Thunberg Erekt (erroneous spelling - barberry Electra) - a bush with green leaves, reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Shoots branch slightly, spines are few. In the spring, a large number of foliage. Flowering occurs in the summer, inflorescences in the form of tassels form on the bush. Petals have a red-yellow hue. The aroma is very pleasant, quite bright.

Erect eel has a decorative appearance

In early autumn, bright coral fruits form on the bush. By the same period, the color of the sheet plates changes to a red-orange hue.

Interesting! Berries are stored on the bush for quite a long time - until the colds.

Planting a plant

You can plant barberry seeds. It is only important to consider that the bushes do not grow quickly, so a large plant can be obtained only after a few years.

Seed planting

Barberry Orange Rocket - description and cultivation

Planting barberry Erect seeds is best done in late autumn. Seeds are extracted from the fruits, dried. After that, it is recommended to wash them under water and treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing is carried out on a separate bed in loose soil to a depth of not more than 3 cm. During the winter period, the seeds will undergo a natural stratification and sprout in the spring.

Planting seedlings in open ground

At home, seeds can be planted in containers with prepared soil from January to May. They are covered with film or glass, maintain the necessary lighting and humidity. When the first sprouts appear, the shelter can be removed. It is important to monitor seedlings, water on time, and re-fill if necessary.

Additional Information. Adult seedlings are planted in the ground when the threat of night frost is over. The young plant is looked after, watered and fed on time.

Young seedlings are better to buy with closed roots

How to care for an erect barberry

Planting and caring for the Thunberg Erect barberry does not take much time. However, there are certain conditions that must be observed.


Barberry Bagatel - description, planting and care

The first watering is carried out immediately after planting the bush in a permanent place. Further barberry is watered as necessary. This variety tolerates drought better than excess moisture. If there is no rain, watering can be done twice a week. In wet weather, irrigation is stopped.

Top dressing

Barberry erecta responds well to various dressings. When planting in the hole add humus. For the first year this will be enough. In the second year, the bushes are fertilized with a urea solution or other nitrogenous fertilizers. Complex fertilizers are applied at least three times a season; in summer, granular preparations can be used for this purpose.

Important! In autumn, it is advisable to feed the bushes with potash and phosphate substances.


The first pruning is carried out in the second year of the plant's life. Old and dried branches are removed from the bush to ensure further development of the barberry. In some cases, it is necessary to remove a fairly large number of shoots.

The first time the bush is cut in the autumn period, if necessary, repeat the procedure. In spring, it is recommended to remove all shoots that have suffered during the winter. Old branches are cut, leaving only 3 cm above the ground.

By autumn, the leaves on the bushes turn red

Breeding methods

Barberry Harlequin Tunberg - description, planting and care

Erect barberry can be propagated in several ways:

  • The seeds. The method takes a long time, is not very popular.
  • Cuttings. In early summer, cuttings are cut from shoots, planted in a greenhouse for rooting. New plants are transplanted to a suitable place after the appearance of leaflets.
  • Layering. Near the roots, a small hole is dug up to a depth of 20 cm, branches (less than a year old) are placed in it. They are sprinkled with earth, leaving a small tip, and regularly watered. In autumn, the shoots can be transplanted to a new place.
  • Division. The rhizome of an adult bush is divided into several parts, so that each one has strong shoots. Plant them in a permanent place.


Barberry Erecta can grow for a long time without a transplant. He is transplanted to a new place by transshipment along with a lump of land. At first, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the plant.

Diseases and Pests

Erecta cultivar has a rather strong immune system, however, the culture is often affected by harmful insects, which can lead to its death. The aphid is the most dangerous for this type of barberry. In order to prevent damage, it is recommended to carry out preventive spraying with special drugs. Barberry can also suffer from flower moths.

Of the diseases, danger to barberry is represented by fungi, for example, powdery mildew. Only fungicidal preparations that can be purchased in specialized stores will help get rid of diseases.

Flowering period

Flowers on the bush begin to appear in the summer. They smell great, have different colors. Outside, the petals are red, inside - yellow. Flowering continues until the fall, after which the formation of fruits begins.

Barberry Erekt is often used in landscape design.

Winter preparations

Barberry Erecta tolerates the winter season quite well, is highly resistant to frost. However, the plant should be prepared for the cold period. To do this, the bushes are covered with spruce branches, dense fabric or canvas. If you wish, you can cut branches almost completely and cover the culture with foliage and sawdust.

Additional Information. After warm weather is established, the bushes are opened, and then pruned if necessary.

Use in landscape design

Barberry Erecta is popular with landscape designers due to its appearance resembling a column. The plant can be used both alone and together with other flowers and shrubs. If desired, a hedge is formed from the bushes, which, due to the dense crown, is used to protect against rodents.

Beneficial features

Erect barberry, like many other representatives of this plant, has useful properties. You can pick berries after ripening, dry them, and then eat, adding to various dishes.

Important! You should not abuse the product, everything is good in moderation.

Barberry Erecta is a beautiful and unpretentious plant, which will be an excellent decoration of any garden. If you spend a little time on the shrub, it will delight you with flowering and abundant fruiting, as well as an excellent decorative look.


Watch the video: BARBERRY. Berberis thunbergii. A very thorny plant an really hard to remove! here's why! (October 2024).