Leucanthemum vulgare - planting and care in the open ground


This flower is often called a popovnik or meadow chamomile, but in fact the correct name of the plant is Leucanthemum. It can often be found not only in personal plots, but also as part of floral arrangements created by landscape designers. The simplicity of cultivation combined with high decorativeness brought universal love to the nazynik.

Common Leucanthemum or leucantemum

The plant belongs to the family Compositae. Very common in the mountains of Europe. In Latin it is read as "leucanthemum" and has about 20 species. Among modern varieties, there are many varieties that differ in the height of the bush and the appearance of inflorescences.

The familiar nyvyanik

The precursor of all species is the common nimbus or leucanthemum vulgare (Latin). This is a herbaceous perennial plant. It has a developed root system, which has a reddish tint. Shoots can reach up to 1 m in height, covered with whole leaves with a ragged edge. The diameter of the flower is on average 8-10 cm, the marginal petals are white, the middle ones are tubular, yellow.

Important! In one place, the plant can be grown no more than 4-5 years.

They use various types of leucanthemum in group plantings on lawns and against the background of ornamental shrubs, as well as in discounts, on flowerbeds, and for cutting. In water, flowers do not lose their decorative effect for 7-10 days.

Variety of Leucanthemum species

Bacardi Chrysanthemum - Outdoor Planting and Care

Among the variety of species of Leucanthemum, two distinct groups can be distinguished, each of which deserves attention. The first is terry daisy Crazy Daisy, a description of which is best cited separately. In the second, varieties of the common nimbus can be attributed, or rather the most attractive and popular of them.

Terry daisy Crazy Daisy

The flowers of this large-flowered perennial look very much like an aster. The flower petals are dissected and have a slightly “disheveled” appearance. Against the background of dark green foliage, snow-white inflorescences look very impressive.

Crazy Daisy's Leucanthemum is often used by landscape designers to compose floral arrangements, and florists for bouquets.

Varieties of common ruffle

There are several varieties of common nyvnyak that deserve special attention. They are different in bush height and flower size, but they are all very decorative.

Main queen

The bush size is quite compact - the height is not more than 50 cm. Attractive flower baskets look very decorative against the background of dark green glossy leaves.

Main queen

Maxima kening

A very tall plant - shoots reach 1 meter in height. The inflorescences are large, 10-12 cm in diameter, the petals can be arranged in one or two rows.

The core of individual flowers is tubular and bright yellow.

Maxima Kening

San - souci

The height of the shoots of this plant ranges from 90-100 cm. The flowers consist of a yellow core and petals located around it in 6-7 rows. The length of the petals is up to 50 mm, and the diameter of the inflorescences is up to 12 cm.


Silver spoons

The bush is tall, the length of the shoots is more than 120 cm.

The peculiarity of the variety is the unusual shape of the petals. They are not fully open, tubular at the base, their shape resembles a spoon.

The middle flower is large, yellow, with a greenish edge.

Attention! The variety is new, but is already actively used by flower growers and landscape designers.

Silver spoons

All of the above varieties are very decorative and at the same time, each is beautiful in its own way. Thanks to such a variety, it is possible to choose the most liked variety. Also noteworthy are the Alaska navyanik, Victorian Secret and Real Glory. All of them are unpretentious and easy to care for. Another noteworthy variety is the Silver Princess. Not only the flowers of this plant are beautiful, but also the deep silver color of the leaves.

New varieties of Leucanthemum

Siberian iris - planting and care in the open ground

There are several completely new varieties of nyvnyak that amaze with the beauty of inflorescences. They are quite different from the ordinary nyvnyak color of petals and their number. Such flowers already belong to the groups of magnificent nyvyanik and the largest nyvyanik groups, in which varieties with double and semi-double inflorescences are already collected.

Leo Goldfinch

This species can be attributed to the most decorative and unusual varieties. This terry ruffle has a yellow hue of petals, which changes to cream as it withers.

The size of the bush is compact, its height does not exceed 60-70 cm. Goldfinch chamomile, as the plant is sometimes incorrectly called, is characterized by long flowering - from June to August.

Gold finch

Leo Kings Crown

Terry flowers of this plant are not at all like ordinary chamomiles. Petals are arranged in several rows, and their size decreases from the edge to the middle.

The color of the petals is also very unusual - there is a smooth transition from light yellow small petals in the middle to white along the edge.

Kings crown

Aglaya Leucanthemum

Refers to varieties that are united by the name "Leucanthemum maximus". The flowers of this plant are terry, narrow petals are densely located around a small yellow center.

For reference! Aglaia blooms all summer, and in a warm climate until October, which no doubt pleases any owner of the site.


Outdoor landing

If you carefully read the description of the species, it will become clear that it is not at all difficult to grow such a beautiful plant. Any variety you like can be grown in seedlings from seeds.

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It will be described in detail later when planting a nyvyanik for seedlings, why growing from seeds involves the regular purchase of planting material, and the seeds collected by the plant themselves are likely to disappoint the gardener.

Seeds for planting

When choosing seeds, you should pay attention to the variety and labeling. It is better to give preference to proven manufacturers - such seed is better.

It should be borne in mind that terry and semi-double varieties are problematic to propagate by seeds obtained from their own plantings. So meadow chamomile can multiply, but a varietal navyanik can not be grown in this way.

Plants obtained in this way will have either simple flowers or partially lost their qualities.

Attention! It is best to acquire new planting material and rejuvenate the planting every few years.

Growing seedlings

Sowing of Leucanthemum seeds is carried out from late February to early March. This plant has a huge advantage - you can enjoy flowering already in the current season.

Attention! Sowing dates may vary depending on the climate. In cold regions, sowing is carried out 2-3 weeks later, as well as planting seedlings in the ground.

The process of sowing seeds is simple and typical for all flower crops.

Step by step, it looks like this:

  1. At the bottom of a flat tank, a drainage layer of broken brick or fine gravel is poured.
  2. Nutritious soil is poured on top so that to the edge of the container there is a distance a finger thick.
  3. Watering is carried out with warm water.
  4. Seeds are distributed evenly over the surface of the soil.
  5. A small layer of soil, about 10 mm thick, is poured on top.

The container can not be covered, the seeds will hatch pretty quickly. Until seedlings appear, the crops are kept at a temperature of 20-21 degrees, and when seedlings appear, it is lowered by 2-3 degrees.

To grow seedlings is easy

After a month, you can feed with a weak solution of mullein. At the age of 40-50 days, young plants should be pecked into separate containers and when they take root (after 4-5 days) carry out a second top dressing with organic or mineral fertilizer.

Choosing a place to land

Leucanthem prefers sunny places, protected from the wind. The soil for planting needs nutritious, pre-seasoned with organic fertilizer.

Attention! The preparation of the soil should be taken responsibly, because the nyvnyak will grow on this place for more than 4 years.

It is necessary to avoid places of close location of groundwater and the accumulation of water after melting snow. This plant does not tolerate waterlogged soil. If it is not possible to avoid such places, then when landing, a good drainage layer should be poured onto the bottom of the landing fossa.

In a sunny place, the bush grows faster

All species of nyvyaniks, and especially ordinary, are able to spread throughout the plot by self-sowing. To avoid thickening of the plantings and sprouting of the flower in inappropriate places, wilted flowers should be removed before the seeds begin to ripen.


Starting from the end of May, you can begin to plant a perennial ruffled perennial in open ground. 3-4 weeks before planting, seedlings begin to harden. This implies holding plants with young plants outdoors. The time spent in such conditions is gradually increasing.

Wells are prepared for planting, abundantly watered and placed in each one seedling. After sealing the holes, re-watering is carried out. It is better to mulch the planting immediately - this will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil.

Caring for an ordinary nyvnyak in the open ground

This beautiful flowering plant does not require special care. It will be enough to conduct events according to the formula that is standard for all colors of open ground.

It includes:

  • Watering. Leucanthemum can tolerate short drought. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up per 1 bucket of water per 1 square meter of landings. The average frequency of watering is 1-2 times per month.
  • Top dressing. With proper soil preparation, the need for fertilizers will arise only for 3-4 years of growth. As a top dressing, you can use a weak solution of mullein or complex mineral fertilizer. The day before fertilizing, watering is mandatory.
  • Weeding and cultivation. The day after irrigation, the soil is loosened. It is also necessary to weed weeds. You can mulch the soil around the plantings and the need for these works will almost disappear.

Leucanthem is less susceptible to disease and pest attacks. With proper care, there are unlikely to be signs of deterioration in the appearance of the plant.

Important! The main enemy of this plant is aphids. It is not recommended to plant it in the immediate vicinity of fruit trees. It is also recommended to carry out spraying for prevention.

With proper care, the bushes of the leucanthemum will actively grow and bloom magnificently throughout the season. After flowering, the length of the shoots is shortened and the flower does not lose its decorative effect until the colds.

Unpretentious nyvyanik has long taken root in areas and is found everywhere. New varieties of this plant significantly differ for the better in shape and color of inflorescences, and also stand out by the size of the bush and the length of the shoots. Each variety is beautiful in its own way, and you can grow your favorite one quite simply.


Watch the video: Best Perennials, Leucanthemum 'Bridal Bouquet' Shasta Daisy (October 2024).