Myrtle - home care, how to reanimate if it is dry


Myrtle is a fragrant plant suitable for cultivation in homes. It requires care, but caring for a myrtle tree at home is not as tiring as many people think. The tree is able to please florists for many years with its original appearance and fragrance.

Origin and appearance

About 110 species of shrubs or small trees belong to the genus Myrtus. Small forms of Myrtus communis have proven their worth when grown as home crops.

Blooming myrtle

In combination with other indoor plants, the tree looks very organic. It is noticed that it is able to have a calming effect on the nervous system. In different parts of the world since ancient times, the plant embodies love, peace, harmony, beauty and youth. The presence of myrtle in the wedding room of European nations creates a special aura and is a sign of a successful marriage and family happiness.

The natural habitat of the evergreen myrtle tree is the subtropical regions of the Mediterranean, other species grow in Australia, Asia, America. In its homeland, the myrtle reaches a height of 5 m; if grown indoors, it will rarely exceed 60 cm. The main external characteristics of the plant:

  • the leaves are small, glossy and dense, have an ovoid, slightly pointed shape;
  • the flowers are white and pinkish, in their composition, as in the leaves, a high content of essential oils;
  • fruits - berries of a dark blue color, there are other colors.

The originality of the plant, the ability to decorate any interior attract florists. In addition to external expressiveness, myrtle has the following advantages:

  • essential oils carry volatile substances that have an antimicrobial, antibacterial effect, allergy symptoms may decrease or disappear from their healing effect;
  • leaves and flowers can make decoctions and infusions intended for skin care;
  • dried berries and leaves will serve as spices in cooking.

Interesting. In Greek mythology, myrtle is the protector of lovers. Goddesses and ordinary women adorned themselves with flowering branches of myrtle. A similar custom existed among other nations. Young Jewish women wore myrtle wreaths during Babylonian captivity as a sign of love and as a sign of marriage.


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Myrtle tree begins to bloom in May, exuding a pleasant aroma. Some species finish flowering in September. The flowers are medium-sized, do not exceed a 2-centimeter diameter, appear in large numbers, up to 50 pieces on one plant, on single pedicels in the axils of the leaves. Color from white to cream and pink. Numerous long stamens give the flowers a fluffy look.

Species and varieties

Peperomia Lilian Caperata - home care

Of the existing varieties, Myrtus communis, or Myrtus communis, is most often used as a home plant. It is characterized by a compact form, rapid growth, high decorative effect. The trunk of the tree is covered with bark in the form of scales, which can peel off. The leaves are oval, dense, glossy. White flowers have a large number of long stamens.

Myrtus communis

Breeders bred several hybrid varieties. The most popular of them:

  1. Tarentina. Dwarf variety of myrtle ordinary. Elongated leaves are limited in size by 1.5 centimeters. Blossoms in groups of small flowers. It features accelerated growth;

Mirt Tarentina

  1. Alhambra. The plant has small dense leaves with a lot of essential oils. Numerous flowers have a slightly pinkish tint at the beginning of flowering. The fruits are white in color;

Myrtle Alhambra

  1. Variegata, with an unusual color of leaves. Their main color is dark green. There is a golden border along the edge, light spots are possible in other places of the leaves;

Myrtle Variegata

  1. La Clape. Differs in fruits of violet color;

Myrtle La Clape

  1. Microphylla. It has compact forms, the height does not exceed 60 cm. Small-leaved variety with a dense crown. Young leaves are bright, darken with age.

Myrtle Microphylla

Transplant into a pot

Stromantha - home care and reproduction

The plant is considered quite capricious, intolerant of stress, moving, temperature extremes. So that the tree does not die when changing living conditions, it is necessary to observe four rules for caring for myrtle:

  1. Do not transplant immediately after purchase. It is necessary to wait until the plant adapts. A quick transplant often leads to the fact that the leaves begin to fall off, and the myrtle dies;
  2. Increase humidity. If the tree looks weak, the leaves are sluggish, some stems are bare, you can cover it with a transparent plastic bag, creating a greenhouse effect. Every day for a short period of time the package is removed. In greenhouse conditions, the myrtle lasts up to 1 month;
  3. Keep in partial shade. For the period of adaptation, myrtle is placed in partial shade, protecting from direct sunlight;
  4. Avoid drafts. Even an adult healthy bush reacts negatively to drafts, in the case of a newly acquired young plant, this is unacceptable.

Important! It is better not to touch the myrtle two weeks after purchase. Indications for transplantation - a small vessel, poor condition of a tree or poor soil composition. In other cases, it is better to postpone the transplant in the spring.

What you need for landing

Until the age of three, myrtle is transplanted annually, each time slightly increasing the volume of flower capacity. Adults need only one transplant in 3-4 years.


  1. The soil should be loose, light, moderately nutritious. A universal flower soil mixture with the addition of chopped peat and coarse sand is suitable;
  2. The size of the pot is chosen slightly larger than the root system, a shape similar to the previous capacity in terms of the ratio of width and height. It is checked that drainage holes are visible at the bottom;
  3. As drainage, it is necessary to prepare small pebbles, brick or ceramic chips.

Optimal place

In the post-transplant period, myrtle should be placed in a relatively shaded and cool place. However, when the plant is already adapting, it can be moved to a permanent location, the choice of which should be approached taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. Myrtle tree loves well-lit surfaces, but does not tolerate heat, so it is desirable that diffused sunlight fall on it.
  2. The plant does not like a sharp change in habitat, it must be moved gradually.
  3. The southwestern and southeastern sides of the house or apartment are optimal habitats for the tree, since in the north the period of rest of the plant is lengthened, its growth is inhibited, flowering may not occur.

Landing procedure

The step-by-step procedure for planting myrtle includes the following steps:

  1. Prepare everything you need: soil, pot, drainage, having previously sterilized them;
  2. To achieve drying of the soil. Before transplanting, the plant should be slightly dehydrated. So it can be easily pulled out of the old tank;
  3. Create a drainage layer in a new pot, it should be one third of the volume, fill the half of the pot with soil;
  4. Cleansing an earthen coma with roots. It is convenient to carefully straighten the roots with a wooden stick. Cleansing is carried out only at the edges;

Myrtle transplant

  1. Root treatment. If there are dry or rotten roots, they are removed by treating the slices with coal dust and Kornevin;
  2. Carefully place the bush in the middle of the pot with soil, sprinkle the roots, gently pressing with your fingers.

Important! The trunk should not be covered with soil - this can lead to its decay.

To quickly adapt to a new pot, the tree is immediately irrigated and sprayed. Then it remains in partial shade for about a week with regular spraying. Irrigation with a solution of the weak growth stimulator Epin will be useful. When new shoots appear, the myrtle is moved to a permanent habitat.

Myrtle breeding at room conditions

There are two ways to propagate myrtle: seeds and cuttings. To take advantage of any of them, you need to be patient and make some efforts. Experienced florists prefer to reproduce myrtle in the second way.


The technology of this method is not very complicated and includes the following steps:

  1. The procedure is performed twice a year: in the middle of winter and in the middle of summer. At other times, sprouts will be very difficult to root;
  2. Cuttings must be cut from the middle part of the plant, their length is 6-8 cm;
  3. Leaves are removed at the bottom or slightly shortened, which will allow you not to lose moisture;
  4. The lower part of the handle, placed in the ground, is treated with a growth stimulator.
  5. The substrate for cuttings consists of a mixture of moss and sand, but the soil layer is also suitable for it. Depth of landing - 30 mm;
  6. Saplings need to provide shade, temperature from + 15 ° to + 20 ° C and high humidity, for which each of them can be covered, for example, with a glass of plastic. If the ambient temperature is elevated, the cup is removed daily for 10-15 minutes to allow air to enter.
  7. Roots should appear within 1 month, then the plant is ready for planting in the soil.

Propagation by cuttings

If you follow these simple rules of cuttings, young plants will bloom within 3-4 years.

Seed cultivation

Florists also know how myrtle grows from seeds, but it is long and troublesome, so the method is rarely used.

Important! Only fresh seeds are used for sowing. That is why florists prefer to take their plants to collect them, rather than purchase the finished material in a store.

Technology how to grow from myrtle seeds:

  1. Seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1.5-2 hours;
  2. For planting, a substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat and sand, it must be light and breathable. Sand is previously recommended to be calcined in a pan;
  3. Plant seeds and moisten crops; sprayers are good for this. Seed soil should be close to its surface, not deeper than 5 mm;
  4. Cover the container with plastic wrap and place in a bright, warm room. Periodically raise the cover for ventilation;
  5. Remove the film only after emergence. This will happen in about 1.5-2 months;
  6. The grown seedlings are transplanted into separate containers;
  7. When the shoots reach 15 cm, no less than 2 leaves have already been released, the top (growth point) is pinched to stimulate lateral development of the future bush.

Growing Myrtle from Seeds

If myrtle is grown from seed, flowering occurs in the fifth year.

Important! Varietal characteristics of hybrid varieties may be lost when seed is used to propagate the plant.

That the fruits are tied with the formation of seeds, it is necessary to take care during flowering, producing artificial pollination.

Myrtle Care

If you decide to start a myrtle, leaving at home for it has a number of features, non-observance of which can lead to poor growth of the tree, lack of flowering and even death.


For purchase at retail outlets, a standard myrtle is available, that is, with an even trunk, free from branches below. If the plant is not trimmed periodically, it grows in the form of a pyramidal bush. It is possible to form a dense dense crown of spherical shape when pruning the ends of branches (shoots). It also contributes to their strengthening.

Stamp Myrtle

Watering mode

The plant needs high humidity, therefore, during the period of activity, good watering is provided. If there is too little water, the tree begins to drop foliage. The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist. Myrtle responds well to regular spraying and a warm shower. However, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the roots, so good drainage is important.

Important! Water for irrigation is used at room temperature and preferably with low hardness. If the hardness of the water is high, you can add a few drops of citric acid to the irrigation liquid.

Top dressing

Regular top dressing leads to the fact that the myrtle will grow faster and bloom more abundantly. It is good to use complex fertilizers for plants, but calcium-containing preparations should be avoided. The frequency of top dressing is once a week or two.

Flowering period

If you properly care for myrtle, it will certainly give abundant flowering. Possible reasons for the lack of flowering ovaries:

  • low humidity;
  • a sharp change in the habitat of the plant, for example, an unexpected transfer from partial shade to open light;
  • pruning of the crown in spring will provide enhanced growth of young shoots, but will exclude the appearance of flowers, so the procedure should be performed in the winter or immediately after flowering;

Myrtle pruning

  • irregular fertilizer replenishment;
  • the presence of diseases or pests.

Important! For good flowering, flower capacity is chosen a bit cramped.

Rest period

In winter, the need for watering should be controlled by the condition of the soil. If it is dry 1-2 cm deep, then watering is performed.

Also, during the rest period, the frequency of feeding should be reduced: no more than 1 time in 1.5 months.

During the rest period, spraying can be stopped, but if there are elements of central heating in the room, the plant should be protected from them by creating a protective barrier.

In winter, myrtle does not tolerate high air temperature. Ideal conditions for it are from + 8 ° to + 10 ° C. Otherwise, summer flowering may not occur.

Winter preparations

  1. If the house has a warm balcony or loggia, it is better to transfer the plant to where it will be away from heating appliances and with enough light. In the absence of such a place, the use of humidifiers next to the myrtle tree gives a good effect;
  2. It is necessary to provide maximum lighting with sunlight;
  3. Exclude transplant and pruning;
  4. Keep away from drafts.

Myrtle Care


Optimal conditions in winter to provide myrtle is especially difficult in a city apartment. The first signs of an unfavorable state of the plant - the leaves begin to dry and curl. If the myrtle is still dried up, how to reanimate it?

Resuscitation activities often have a positive effect. The plant is carefully inspected. If the branches remain resilient, there is a chance to revive the myrtle. First, the tree is bathed under a warm shower, watered abundantly and sprayed with Epin. Then put on top of a plastic bag, put in a shaded place. Every day the package is removed, the plant is well sprayed. The procedure is repeated for a week.

If a tree begins to die from an overdose of fertilizers, then the method of its resuscitation is transplantation into another soil, but the desired effect can not always be achieved.

Myrtle grows well in a sunny apartment or office. If you follow the rules of care, then the tree will delight for a long time with its healthy and beautiful appearance, its useful properties will serve as a pleasant bonus.
