Ontsidium: home care and flower varieties


Orchid oncidium is a variety of popular culture, which is distinguished by unusual coloring and beauty of flowers. Flowering period - 5 months a year. To achieve this result, it is important to care for the oncidium orchid at home.

Species and varieties

In addition to registered varieties, there are artificially bred hybrids. They are considered ornamental plants that carry the best signs of crossed species. In total, about 700 varieties of oncidium are distinguished.

The plant is called "dancing dolls" for its special shape.

Most popular:

  • Sweet Sugar. The plant has a small size and small buds. It grows in length no more than 35 cm, flowers in diameter no more than 3 cm. Unpretentious in the care and cultivation. The variety was developed specifically for indoor conditions.
  • Variety of oncidium popcorn. Miniature, up to 12 cm high. The diameter of the buds is only about 1.5 cm. Easy to clean. For cultivation, a container with a diameter of 6 cm is suitable.
  • Variety of oncidium twinkle khanna. It is a compact plant up to 150 cm in height. Blooms 2 times a year with small buds, while the owner does not need much effort. The number of flowers reaches 100 pieces. The color scheme includes shades from cool white to scarlet. It has a pleasant vanilla aroma.
  • Oncidium is yellow. The variety is distinguished by dense flowers. The upper part of the leaves is lighter than the lower. The fragrance is delicate, delicate and unobtrusive.
  • Variety Oncidium morenoi. Has soft leaves, grows up to 5 flowers on a peduncle. The aroma is weak, pleasant.
  • Oncidium is beautiful. Orchids usually have soft and soft leaves. However, this variety has a more stringent green mass. On one peduncle there are up to 20 buds, which reach 6 cm in circumference.
  • Grade Lanza. This variety is distinguished by yellow and brown colors interspersed with a brown hue. One of the perianth flowers has a pink-purple color, which adds appeal to the appearance. Peduncle is dense with lots of buds.
  • Oncidium "bird-billed". The compact plant got its name because of the elongated shape of the flowers. The buds have a creamy tint. The aroma is sweet, strong. The flowering period falls in autumn and winter.

The variety of species allows you to choose the one suitable for any garden or apartment.

"Twinkle Khanna" is the most popular orchid variety

Oncidium home care

Varieties of Nematanthus Flower - Home Care

When choosing a plant, attention should be paid so that it has at least 3 developed pseudobulbs, and the root system is distinguished by a light brown color. In this case, there is a chance that the flower will grow and develop at home.

Important. Sometimes in the store artificially stimulate the growth of orchids, so at home there may be problems with growing.

For the full development of culture, it will be necessary to create a favorable climate in the room.


Orchid loves full lighting. Despite the fact that she is not afraid of direct sunlight, she should be protected from the bright summer sun.

Depending on the saturation of the shade of the leaves, you can determine the required level of lighting. A dark green color indicates that the light is insufficient. Leaves of light green color with a red spot indicate overheating. With a normal dose of ultraviolet light, the green mass is a classic emerald hue. It is especially important for the orchid to take sun baths during the formation of pseudobulbs and bookmarks of the kidneys.

Note. If the orchid is located on the north side, flowering can not wait.

If the formation period fell on the cold season, lighting should be provided with phytolamps.

Temperature mode

Hybrids develop well at a temperature of not less than 14 and not more than 25 ° C. If the temperature rises above, the plant will stop growing. It is also important to ensure that there are no sudden changes.

Watering and feeding

Each stage of flower development has its own watering regime:

  • The beginning of growth. The sprout thickens, a pseudobulb is formed. Watering should be plentiful and systematic. For example, in the summer the soil will dry in 3 days, and in the fall it will take up to a month.
  • A month later, a new pseudobulb will begin to form. At this point, irrigation should be stopped. After flowering, you can resume watering, but not so abundantly.

On a note. If the orchid develops within normal limits, it will bloom once every 8-12 months.

The beginning of bait should coincide with the growth of young shoots. After the appearance of the pseudobulb, fertilizer application is stopped. It should be remembered that the root system of plants deteriorates from oversaturated soil fertilization.


After buying an orchid oncidium twinkle, it is undesirable to transplant it into a new container without good reason. The plant tolerates a change of place and soil. A similar procedure is recommended no more than 1 time in 3 years. At the bottom, spread the bark of a coniferous tree of a small fraction. Then they fill the soil.

Orchid care: examples of growing a flower at home

In what cases is a flower worth transplanting:

  • when rotting the root system;
  • orchid closely in capacity;
  • the substrate crumbled.

Important. The base of the orchid cannot be buried in the ground.

The plant can be planted in an opaque wide pot, as the roots do not need sunlight


Breeding methods

Orchid home care: options for reproduction and planting a flower

There are 2 main ways of propagating this plant:

  1. Division of the bush. The optimal period for the procedure is March. Moreover, it is carried out if the plant has a minimum of 6 pseudobulbs. The fact is that a flower that has 3 pseudobulbs can survive on its own. Before starting the division, the instruments with which the incisions are made should be sanitized. Next, each slice should be sprinkled with crushed coal. Now each of the two parts can be planted in separate pots with a dry substrate. During the week, the sprouts are not watered to avoid rotting in the places of cuts.
  2. Jigging a pseudobulb. Usually oncidium twinkle is divided independently - just a new shoot grows with individual pseudobulbs. Further, it is enough to separate the root systems. In this method, it is also important to use disinfected tools and sprinkle the cuts with activated carbon.

When choosing a plant in a store, it is important to pay attention to the presence of 3 pseudobulbs. Otherwise, growing an orchid at home will be difficult. These photophilous plants feel most comfortable at temperatures from 14 to 25 ° C. At the same time, the warmer the room, the more abundant the watering should be. To check the soil moisture, you can deepen your finger by 4 cm. If the soil is not dry, it is too early for the next watering.

You should also irrigate the leaves of oncidium with water heated to 30 ° C. Such manipulations will positively affect flowering.

Orchids should be transplanted no more than once every several years, as they are sensitive and negatively react to soil changes. This procedure is carried out only in extreme cases.

Oncidium is a spectacular orchid, popular among gardeners. There are more than 700 of its varieties. These are mainly hybrids of Dutch breeders. These flowers are popular because of their attractive appearance, simplicity and unpretentiousness. Providing them with proper care, you can fully enjoy the beauty of these plants.
