

Photo of clivia in a pot

Clivia (Clivia) - A beautiful flowering multiflowered plant from the Amaryllis family. In nature, widely distributed in the subtropical part of South Africa. In temperate countries, the flower is grown in greenhouses and at home, where it grows at an average rate, forming up to 6 leaves per year.

With good care, clivia can live for about 40 years, turning from a low (up to 45 cm) potted plant into a large tub plant. Flowering begins in late February. Bell flowers bloom in turn for a month. Clivia and without flowers looks spectacular. She has a lush fan with wide long leaves forming a false stem.

Also grow gloriosa and hirita.

The average growth rate, 6-8 leaves per year.
Flowers begin to appear in early February and until March
Clivia is easy to grow

Beneficial features

The plant contains klivatin and lycorin - substances that improve the activity of the circulatory system and the tone of the heart muscle. Clivia radiates love and joy. The elegant appearance of the flower causes pleasant emotions, protects from seasonal depression and emotional stress. Being under the auspices of the Sun - the planet of creators and discoverers, the plant inspires the creation of unusual projects, the discovery of new lands.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Clivia at home adapted well, just like in nature, it amazes with beauty. The task of a caring grower is to create optimal conditions for the development of the plant so that it is comfortable for him:

TemperatureIn summer - up to + 25 ° C; in winter + 12 - 15 ° C; when the first kidney is formed, the temperature rises.
Air humidity40%, dry air tolerates normally; periodically sprayed.
LightingBroken bright; optimally placed on windows facing east or west.
WateringWater abundantly when the buds are clearly visible; in the winter they water once every 10 days, in the summer - once every 7 days.
PrimingUniversal soil mix for flowers; a mixture of 2 parts of turf land and taken in 1 part of humus and peat; need good drainage.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom March to the end of August, once every 2 weeks, a universal liquid fertilizer for flowers is applied; in the winter do not feed.
TransferYoung bushes - annually; mature - as they grow; does not tolerate transplants, in adults they refresh the top layer of the soil.
BreedingSeeds and processes.

You need to know some features of growing clivia in order to properly care for it. After flowering, it is necessary to prune the peduncle at the base. If seed formation is allowed, next year the plant may not bloom and suspend growth. A flower does not like to be rearranged to a new place. In response to the rearrangement, he also refuses to bloom.

Care for clivia at home. In detail

A plant at home does not cause much trouble, especially if you create favorable conditions for its development in advance.


If you properly organize care (to ensure proper watering and wintering in coolness, cut flower stalks on time in summer), clivia will bloom in room conditions every year. Flowering usually begins in the second half of February. Funnel-shaped flowers are collected in lush racemose inflorescences located on high (up to 0.3 m) peduncles.

They open gradually, so the process continues for a month. At the same time, 30 to 40 buds can bloom on the plant. Flowers can be painted in different colors: bright orange, carmine, coral, soft golden, cream. Sometimes they have a yellow star-shaped spot in the center. Blooming clivia looks festive in a special way and attracts attention.

Temperature mode

When growing clivia, it is imperative to observe the temperature regime, otherwise the plant may not bloom. In winter, the flower needs coolness; it is kept at + 12 - 15 ° C.

Carefully monitor that the thermometer does not fall below + 8 ° C: at low temperatures, clivia may die. When the kidneys begin to appear, the temperature is gradually raised. In summer, temperatures may rise to + 25 ° C.


Clivia adapted to living indoors, normally tolerates dry air. Humidity in the room where the flower is located should be between 40 - 50%. The leaves are sprayed periodically and wiped with a clean, damp cloth.

The plant is placed on a pallet with moist expanded clay, but care must be taken that the roots do not touch the water. This may cause them to rot.


Clivia prefers diffused bright lighting. It is advisable to place it on windows facing east or west. On the windows of the southern direction in hot weather, the plant is shaded from direct exposure to the sun. If the windows face north, turn on the lights in cloudy winter. In summer, when the threat of night frost is over, clivia can grow on the balcony or in the garden.


In order to harmoniously develop and grow healthy clivia, home care recommends watering when the top layer of the substrate dries. Rarely watered in winter - once every 10 days. They begin to water abundantly when the buds are clearly visible.

In summer, watered once a week. For irrigation use filtered tepid water. Excess moisture will lead to the death of the plant from rotting of the roots.

Pot size

Clivia needs to replace the pot when her roots completely encircle an earthen lump and are visible from the drainage holes. The size of the pot is selected so that its diameter is 2.5 cm larger than the previous one.

At the same time, the capacity should not be very large: clivia will bloom better if the roots are in relative crowding.


Choosing soil for clivia, prefer a loose weakly acidic (pH 5.7 - 6.2) mixture. A soil mixture that meets these conditions can be prepared by yourself from 2 servings of sod land and 1 serving of humus and peat. In the store you can buy universal primer for flowers.

To strengthen the drainage properties, fine brick chips are added to the soil, for friability - vermiculite and (or) perlite. Home clivia responds well to the application of slowly occurring phosphates. Therefore, 1 table is added per 1.5 l of substrate. l superphosphate.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

To maintain decorativeness at a high level and improve the general condition of clivia, top dressing and fertilizer are needed. To do this, after watering 1 time in 14 days, the plant is “treated” with universal liquid fertilizer for flowers, diluted 3-4 times.

The plant needs fertilizing from March to the end of August. In winter, the flower is not fed. Make sure that the level of nitrogen does not exceed the level of potassium and phosphorus. Dark green leaves of clivia and the absence of flowering will indicate a high concentration of nitrogen compounds.

Clivia transplant

Clivia has a very powerful and at the same time fragile root system. The plant is difficult to tolerate any operations associated with the root (transplant, circumcision, reproduction). But when the roots begin to appear from the drainage holes, a clivia transplant is necessary. Young bushes are transplanted annually, mature - as they grow.

Transplanted clivia in spring, almost immediately after flowering. A gentle method is used - a transshipment method in which the root of the flower suffers less. At the bottom of the pot, it is imperative to pour drainage. When working, it is important not to "drown" the plant in the ground and not to deepen the root neck. Careless planting will lead to decay of the lower leaves and cessation of flower growth.


After flowering, pruning is carried out. They are cut off at the very base. The procedure has a positive effect on further growth, its flowering.

Rest period

For clivia to gain strength and manage to lay flower buds, she definitely needs a rest period. If the flower is not sent on time to rest, it will quickly exhaust its strength, will not be able to bloom. Since the end of November, the plant has been kept cool - this is a prerequisite for the formation of buds.

As soon as they appear, the temperature is raised. Watering is minimized, feeding is eliminated.

Clivia breeding

At home, clivia can be propagated by seeds and processes.

Breeding offspring

A simple way to get a new bush is propagation by offspring. It is combined with transshipment. The bush is divided when the main plant and offspring becomes crowded in a pot. A lateral fragment having at least 5 leaves is separated from the mother plant. The cut points are sprinkled with charcoal powder and dried a little. Transplanted into a prepared container and watered. After about 2 years, clivia will bloom.

Growing clivia from seeds

When clivia seed propagation is used, cross-pollination is carried out during flowering to produce berries with seeds. After almost 11 months, the fruit will turn red and you can get the seeds. They are sown in soil without deepening, watered a little. Cover with a film, put in heat. The film is removed to ventilate and water the seedlings. In about 1, 5 months shoots will appear. When 2 to 3 leaves are formed, they are seated in separate containers. Flowering can be expected no sooner than after 3 years.

Propagation by seeds is an activity suitable for breeders who are ready to spend a lot of time breeding a variety. Ordinary flower growers - amateurs resort to the first method, which allows you to get a flower that does not differ from the mother plant, much faster.

Diseases and Pests

With careless care of a flower, it affects diseases and pests. This can be seen by alarming symptoms:

  • rot roots - excess moisture (transplant the plant by removing damaged fragments; adjust watering);
  • flowers fall - rearrangement of plants from place to place;
  • clivia does not bloom - little light; winter maintenance in a warm room (rearrange in a lighter place; provide a cool wintering);
  • light spots on the leaves Klivia - sunburn (remove damaged leaves, shade a flower);
  • brown spots on the leaves - drops falling on the leaves of a flower standing in the sun (watered early in the morning or in the evening, do it carefully);
  • short flower stalk - low temperature or lack of moisture during its formation (put in a warmer place, adjust watering);
  • leaves turn yellow and dry in autumn - natural physiological process;
  • leaflets are curled - moisture deficit (adjust watering);
  • not growing - it is very hot or cold in the room (optimize the temperature);
  • pale leaves - deficiency of nutrients (feed);
  • the tips of the leaves turn brown - excessive watering (do not water for several days or replant and adjust watering);
  • no peduncles - deficiency of nutrients (feed);
  • decay of the lower leaves and base of the stem - waterlogging with a deepened root neck (transplant growth points without deepening, remove damaged fragments, correct watering);
  • there are few flowers on the plant - lack of nutrients (feed).

Sometimes affected by a scab, a mealybug, aphids and pseudoscutis. Insecticides are used against pests, the conditions of the flower are adjusted.

Types of home clivia with photo

There are 3 types of homemade clivia, all of them are very popular.

Clivia orange, or clivia cinnabar, clivia meerkat / Clivia miniata

Plant height - 50 cm. Long (0, 6 m) wide (up to 6 cm) belt-shaped leaves form a rosette. Leaves are dark green. Umbrella inflorescences are formed from 12 to 20 large bright orange flowers with a fiery red tint (sometimes the center is decorated with a golden stain similar to a star). Diameter of flowers - up to 6 cm. Peduncle long, without leaves.

Clivia the beautiful / Clivia nobilis Lindl

The height of the bush is from 30 cm. Belt-shaped flat leaves have sharp edges. The width of the leaf plate is up to 6 cm. An umbrella of 45–55 pale red or pink flowers forms on a long peduncle (up to 0.5 m).

Clivia Gardena / Clivia gardenia W. j. Hooker

Belt-shaped long leaves are collected in a dense outlet. The width of the leaf plate is up to 4 cm. On a long (about 0, 45 cm) flower stalk, up to 15 narrow tubular flowers are formed. The color of the flowers varies from cream to golden orange.

Clivia is an original houseplant decorated with spectacular tubular flower umbrellas. The house becomes warm and cozy when in winter tender bells “light up” with orange lights.

Now reading:

  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species
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Watch the video: How to Take Care of a Clivia Plant (October 2024).