Interesting Articles 2024

Rosa Queen of Sweden (Queen of Sweden) - variety description

The English rose of the Queen of Sweden variety is notable for its unusual charm. Her flowers are equally beautiful at all stages - from the bud to the final opening of the petals. Cup-shaped rosettes with a pleasant aroma look very beautiful in the flowerbed, in the garden and in the cut. Rosa Queen of Sweden Park variety belongs to the English musk hybrids.

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Smokehouse for summer cottage: design options for cold and hot smoking

What could be better than a pleasant vacation in your own country house, when a hearth has been bred on an open area, and you enjoy unity with nature in the emotional company of relatives and friends. For complete happiness, you can only try a dish of smoked fish or meat, prepared with your own hands. To diversify your table with dishes with an unforgettable taste and exquisite aroma, you just need to make a smokehouse for summer cottage.

Cherry Orchard: varieties and types of cherries

Cherry has been known to mankind since ancient times. It came to Europe through Rome as a result of military campaigns from Assyria in about 74 BC. e. Gradually spread throughout the continent. In Russia, cherry orchards began to be planted in the XII century, first in Moscow, and then everywhere. Currently - this wonderful plant is known and loved on all continents (except Antarctica).

Irises: landing, care

Iris belongs to the Kasatikov family. It grows everywhere and has more than seven hundred varieties. The name comes from Greek and means “rainbow”. It has been grown for more than two thousand years. Gardens, alleys, parks, squares, summer cottages decorate the flower. Essences for perfumery are made from a plant. Varieties and varieties “Iris” - the general name of plants with rhizome and bulbous axial vegetative organ.

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Ideas for a country hearth: options for arranging a campfire on a site

Hearth - the personification of family comfort and warmth. The soaring flames and the melodic crackling of logs mesmerizes and soothes, tuning in to relaxation and a pleasant rest. It is pleasant to gather around the bonfire in the evening, enjoying communication with households and friends. To be able to enjoy the magic of open fire on your site, you can equip a special area for recreation, the key element of which will be a fireplace.

Hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open field in the Urals

Hydrangea is a wonderful flower, which is not difficult to grow even for the most experienced gardener. This largely explains its high demand. The history of the origin of Hortensia as a species grew even during the Tertiary period, when most of the northern hemisphere was covered with impenetrable forests.

Fir - coniferous fragrant beauty

Fir (abies) - an evergreen tree or shrub from the Pine family. Externally, the plant is very similar to spruce, and in structure and direction of growth of cones - like cedar. Most representatives are distributed from the tropics to the Arctic Circle of the Northern Hemisphere. The largest number of firs is concentrated in the west of Canada, the USA and in East Asia.

Making a foot shower-tramp: do-it-yourself workshop

Shower helps to escape from the heat in the hot summer days, so all owners of summer cottages dream of building it. The most common summer shower designs include a wooden or metal frame with a capacious water tank mounted on top. This structure is being erected on an elevated place, while the drainage of used water to a small septic tank or drainage well is provided.

Heliopsis variegated (Heliopsis Helianthoides)

Unpretentious, sunny-bright heliopsis flower is increasingly found in domestic gardens and cottages. Due to the minimal need for care and resistance to weather vagaries, the plant has gained a strong position in the ranking of gardeners. Its application is universal: the flower is equally effective in the garden, mixborder or on an alpine hill.

5 simple Christmas dishes that don't take long to cook

The Christmas evening menu is limited only by the financial possibilities and the hostess's imagination. To save time and effort, some of the dishes can be replaced with very simple ones. Beetroot and prune salad This light dish can be prepared in two versions and quickly enough if you bake or cook beets in advance.

Lawn pests and control measures

Not only various diseases, but also pests can spoil the appearance of the lawn. And these are not only insects, but also animals, birds. Consider the most common methods and how to prevent their negative impact on the lawn. Earthworms Earthworms are believed to have a beneficial effect on soil conditions.

Nephrolepis - emerald openwork fern

Nephrolepis is an epiphytic or terrestrial fern from the Davallian family. Its homeland is dense tropical forests located in Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia. Among indoor flowers, nephrolepis occupies a leading position in beauty and utility. It quickly forms dense emerald thickets and, under favorable conditions, can grow up to 15% of green mass per month.

Garden glass decor: fragile grandeur at low cost

Glass is a material that today is very often used as a decorative one. Light, elegant, stylish glass furniture is in fashion, and designers decorate the garden with a very unusual, bold decor that captivates the eyes. Although modern glass is a durable material, in appearance it has remained fragile and airy.

Whitefly: All About the Pest

Whitefly is a cunning and secretive insect that causes serious damage to indoor, garden and greenhouse plants. Its white wings are usually visible to the naked eye, but the pest is located at the bottom of the leaf, which allows it to remain unnoticed. Description of the whitefly, its reproduction The whitefly belongs to the tiny sucking parasites.

Decorative wood chips: garden mulch decoration

Mulching is one of the best agricultural methods with which you can protect the soil from waterlogging in the rainy season or, on the contrary, excessive evaporation of moisture in dry weather. Owners of household plots for these purposes often use straw, mowed grass, sawdust. But nevertheless, wood chips are the most popular - soft and environmentally friendly filling, which, in addition to excellent quality characteristics, is decorative, and therefore it is widely used in landscape design.

Why does onion rot in the garden and during storage and how to avoid this problem

It is believed that onions are easy to grow. Perhaps, only those who did not think so. The gardener has a lot of problems, and if they are not solved, the onion can rot in the garden already. Or then, in storage. It is important to know these pitfalls and be able to get around them. Causes of rotting onions in the garden bed In order to grow a healthy and good onion, you must clearly follow all the rules of agricultural technology: water, but not too much, feed, but in moderation, carry out preventive maintenance, provide illumination, observe crop rotation, etc.