Interesting Articles 2024

Lithops, live stone - growing and care at home, photo species

Lithops (Lithops), its second name is living stone - a succulent plant of the Aiza family, growing on rocky, limestone, granite dehydrated soils. This amazing exot represents two massive leaves no larger than 5 cm in size both in width and in height. Outwardly, the leaves strongly resemble stones, between which a peduncle appears in the section, then a flower and a seed fruit, which opens during rain.

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Apricot Melitopol and its popular species: characteristics and features of growing

Apricot variety Melitopol is rather old, and therefore tested. The successful combination of the forces of growth, large-fruited, early ripening and sweetness in himself allows him to remain one of the leaders in the south of Ukraine and Russia for several decades. Description of apricot variety Melitopol and its popular species Apricot variety Melitopol and its species were created in Ukraine, in the Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture.

Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) - plant description

Mint (family Iasnatkovye, or Labrettes) is a hybrid formed from aquatic and garden species. Popularly known under the names of cold mint, pepper, English, chill. The first mention of what mint refers to the times of Ancient Rome. Infusion of peppermint leaves was used as a refreshing agent.

Broom - a blooming symbol of purification and well-being

Broom is a lush bush that pleases with abundant flowering in early spring. The plant belongs to the legume family. Its fragrant thickets can be found in Western Siberia, as well as certain regions of Europe and Africa. They are suitable for growing in the garden or indoors. In Celtic mythology, broomweed is associated with well-being and getting rid of everything unnecessary.

Rosa Caramella

Rosa Caramellla was bred at the beginning of the XXI century in a nursery in Germany. Refers to scrubs, this is a class of international garden classification. Its other name is modern park roses or shrubs. Caramella is a semi-climbing plant, perfect for landscaping. Rosa Caramella is popular among flower growers due to her stamina and discreet beauty.

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Freesia cultivation and care at home and in the garden

Freesias belong to the Iris family. They can be grown in a greenhouse, garden, indoor pot. Flowering time - from April to October. Indoor plants bloom mainly in spring. Types of freesia and popular varieties. On sale you can find both a freesia mix and classic plant varieties. The most popular of them: Armstrong freesia, broken and hybrid freesia.

Apple tree treatment for diseases and pests

Despite the fact that there are immune varieties of apple trees, most often you can’t avoid defeating them with various diseases and attack by pests. It's a shame when after a beautiful and lush flowering after some time the ovaries either fall off or the fruits turn out to be wormy. And there are more severe cases - when not only the crop dies, but also the tree itself.

Celosia - vibrant scallops and flames in the garden

Celosia is a herbaceous plant from the Amaranth family. It is known for its soft and lush inflorescences with bright colors. The name of the flower is translated from Greek as "fiery", "burning." And really yellow, orange and burgundy panicles resemble flames. The birthplace of celosia is Africa and South Asia, where it forms thickets in human growth.

Fusariosis of tomatoes: description, causes, symptoms, control measures

Fusariosis is a dangerous ailment that requires immediate treatment. If you do not fight this disease, the tomato crop will be completely lost. Symptoms and causes of tomato fusarium infection An infected plant can be identified by several signs, among them drying out, twisting and falling of leaves. The bush begins to rot from below, after small roots large branches are affected.

Arrangement of a summer cottage for families with small children: safe zoning

When a young family acquires its own plot, then, naturally, they plan to create a children's zone in one of the corners, because kids, if they have not yet been born, will soon be born. The territory fenced by the fence will protect children from dangers from the outside, and a well-thought-out layout of the site will help to arrange their rest most effectively.

Blueberry Blujej: growing an early variety in the garden

Blueberries can still rarely be found in Russian gardens, but this culture prophesies a great future and is even called its rival blackcurrant. It is not surprising that this berry has been gaining popularity recently, as specialists have developed a huge number of varieties that have excellent taste and decorative qualities.

Panicled Hydrangea - the best varieties for the Moscow Region

Each seeks to ennoble his plot, so it can not do without planting woody plants, flowers and shrubs. Summer residents pay special attention to flowering plants, thanks to them, the gardens are fragrant and more comfortable. One of these is hydrangea. Among a wide range of species and varieties, you can choose the ones that are suitable for the Moscow region.

Asparagus and its cultivation in the garden

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable, the cultivation of which is not difficult for a beginner gardener. The unpretentious culture is so great that earlier it was often served to the table of monarchs, so the plant is still called the royal vegetable. Caring for it does not require special skills, which means that every summer resident can successfully grow a culture.

Sansevieria Hanni - Home Care

Sansevieria Hanni is an ornamental houseplant, which is commonly called the "pike tail". This is a very unpretentious species, the content of which does not cause difficulties. Perhaps that is why Hanni is the darling of all amateur gardeners. What does Sansevieria Hanni look like, to which family does Sansevieria Hahnii belong to the group of asparagus subspecies.

Yucca - leaves turn yellow and dry, what to do

Yucca (lat. Yucca) - an ornamental plant, which can often be found in houses and apartments. The flower is part of the Agave family. The plant is characterized by weak shoots and large caps of green leaves. However, sometimes they can turn yellow and dry. A flower loses its decorative effect. Why the yucca flower turns yellow and the leaves dry, what to do in this case and how to save a houseplant will be described in this material.

Snowdrop or galanthus: description and care

Among the primroses, the amaryllis snowdrop is considered the most beautiful. White buds appear on long legs in March. They are not afraid of frost, they stand well in bouquets. Due to mass collection, they are on the verge of extinction in the wild. Many species are bred to decorate gardens, park areas. In Holland, snowdrop bulbs are valued on a par with tulip bulbs.

Chlorophytum - home care and reproduction

At home, chlorophytum is usually grown as an ampoule indoor plant in containers that are suspended, or flower pots are placed on special decorative structures. What chlorophytum looks like The chlorophytum plant belongs to the Asparagus family. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 25 to 55 cm.