Interesting Articles 2024


Tamarix: description, types, landing and care

Tamarix is ​​a plant that belongs to the Tamarix family. It includes about 70 varieties. This garden crop prefers a hot, arid climate. Under natural conditions, tamarix grows on salt marshes, in deserts and mountains, on rocky and sandy shores. The distribution area includes the Caucasus, Southern Europe, Africa and Central Asia.

Clivia Flower - Home Care and Growing

Many flower growers in their collection of indoor plants include clivia (lat. Clivia) - an evergreen herbaceous perennial belonging to the Amaryllis family. The origin and appearance of the Clivia flower comes from South Africa. Clivia in a pot. This plant reaches a height of 60 cm, has leathery tapeworm leaves growing by fan from a basal rosette, there is no real stem (some species have a short false stem).

Apple tree treatment for diseases and pests

Despite the fact that there are immune varieties of apple trees, most often you can’t avoid defeating them with various diseases and attack by pests. It's a shame when after a beautiful and lush flowering after some time the ovaries either fall off or the fruits turn out to be wormy. And there are more severe cases - when not only the crop dies, but also the tree itself.

All About Apricot Pruning

The most important element in caring for fruit trees is their pruning. And apricot is no exception. As a result of the correctly carried out procedure, fruiting improves, the quality of the fruits increases, and the life of the tree is extended. According to the technique of pruning apricot is somewhat different from pruning other fruit, which is due to the peculiarities of its physiological structure and functioning.

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Poskonnik landing and care in the open ground

Poskonnik from the genus of perennials from the family Asteraceae. The genus is numerous (about 600 species), some of them are cultivated as ornamental garden plants. Short description Poskonnik has the second name Eupatorium. This is due to the name of King Eupator, who, as ruler of Pontius, used the plant as an antidote.


Oxygen Fruit is a very beautiful fast-growing vine, richly decorated with red, orange or yellow tubular flowers. In just one season, she braids a wall, small arbor or hedge. Thanks to this, the garden impresses with a riot of greenery and a pleasant aroma, turning outdoor recreation into a small fairy tale.

Brovallia: description, landing, care

Brovallia is a plant in the nightshade family. Distribution area - Colombia, solitary species are present in the south and in the center of America. Description of browlia Indoor flower grows from 40 to 70 cm, shoots of the pubescent type. The foliage is lanceolate. Flowers are solitary, outwardly resemble stars, color - white, blue, purple.

Regina - high quality European sweet cherry

Regina is a German variety of late cherry known since the middle of the last century. It is still grown in Europe on an industrial scale. Russian gardeners and farmers are also interested in this variety, but attempts to grow it are not always successful. Description of Regina sweet cherry variety A popular Regina sweet cherry variety in Europe is not in the State Register of Russia, but this does not stop enthusiasts who undertake to grow it (not always successfully) in their areas.

Dollar tree or Zamioculcas - celibacy flower

There are many plants shrouded in myths, legends and folk signs. Florists are pretty superstitious people, so most of them listen carefully to such things. However, these "tales" and "tales" are not always true. It is known that for some reason many people do not like the completely harmless flower Zamioculcas.

Nolina - a bottle tree with a lush shock

Nolina is a perennial plant with a strongly swollen bottle-shaped trunk. Its habitat is from Texas to the northern regions of Mexico. Nolina is also called "sidekorney", "bottle tree", "elephant foot" or "pony tail". Previously, the genus belonged to the Agave family, but today it is classified as a representative of the Asparagus family.

Pansies - planting seeds in open ground

Pansies, or, as they are also called, viola are very beautiful flowers that are difficult to tear from. Thanks to the legends that go around, they evoke romantic and tender feelings. Therefore, the plant is very popular among gardeners, and it can be found in almost every garden. Description of the plant Pansies are scientifically called violets, are annual, biennial and perennial.

Stromantha: home care, types and their photos

Stromantha is a beautiful perennial plant that came to us from the marshy areas of South America. It grows on the lower tiers of the forest at high temperature, a lot of light and moisture. In height reaches 150 centimeters, and the length of the leaves is about 50 centimeters. This flower belongs to the family of arrowroots, and the closest relatives are plants: arrowroot, calathea, and ktenant.

Pilea - such different and amazing leaves

Pilea is a genus of perennials and annuals of the Nettle family. Her natural habitat is tropical forests of almost the entire planet. Plants are so diverse that it is sometimes difficult to combine them under one name. They are grassy and semi-shrub forms with embossed or variegated leaves.

Hazel (nut) is a tree or shrub

The homeland of hazelnut is far Asia, but you can meet this herbaceous plant on the territory of the Caucasus, in the USA and Europe. The taste qualities of the nut, its useful and decorative properties have long been appreciated by gardeners. Hazel - is it a tree or shrub Does not everyone know what a hazel is, is it a tree or shrub?